Autumn DLC Not Available

Season changed and got the message saying the new nissan sentra and RX7 is available to be brought and it not in the autoshow or garage and when i looked for it on the DLC list it says not untill the 5th of oct (which it is for us australians) i was under the assumption that it was going to be released at the season change

I think the news item updated before the actual time the cars will be available. I say just wait, try again tomorrow.

I am not sure of exact time the cars will be available but it is correct that the news item said they are available but when you go to get them they say available on the 5th.

Actually it is not yet the 5th in the US is it?

yeah im waiting till 2 pm 5/10/2018 apparently thats when it gets released just wish the tooltips would say correct time we all dont live in america