Welcome guys!

With the new forums comes all of our new galleries! My gamertag, for those of you that couldn’t figure it out is APPLEJACKS xxxx, and I have been playing Forza since very late Forza 2. I’m a photographer in the real world, and of course here in the world of Forza Motorsport. Some quick things I’d like to explain about my gallery is that it is for my photos to be posted, not yours. I accidentally broke that rule on someone else’s gallery one time, and the response to it really slapped me in the face to realize that even though I didn’t have the bad intentions, it still was rude. On that note, if you want feedback on your pictures, and you want people to see your work then go ahead and make your own thread in this media thread so people can see your stuff and give you some critiquing! Only good can come out of it.

Also, I am open for plenty of critiquing, it will only make me a better photographer as a whole. Your suggestions are what I would love to hear, but I do not want to here anyone being unreasonably mean to me or anyone else that posts on this thread. Being mean to other people over the internet is pathetic, think about what you say before you say it and get it through your head that if the attitude just stays the slightest bit positive, we can all get along and have the power to help each other out in great amounts. That’s what the Forza community is all about, and this community is unique because of it.

Finally, my favorite thing ever is drifting. Please invite me to drift if you ever would like to. I am at college, so I don’t get to play as much as in the summer, but I still play a bunch and I love meeting new people and running some crazy tandem! Let’s shred guys!

But that’s enough about all that stuff, onto the pictures! First I would like to provide you the link to my Flickr photo sets, which have all of my actual real- life pictures that I take at Club Loose in Englishtown, New Jersey. Club Loose if you don’t know about it is an organization of awesomeness in which people that want to start drifting can get great track time every month, as well as amateur, even pro drifters. Pictures like the one below are all posted on Flickr, and you can see 'em with this link! Enjoy them, and enjoy my Forzatography gallery guys! Thanks!

Here’s my stuff from the old forum:

I took this shot long before the actual Boss 302 came out in August (design: knightwolf702)…

… So I replicated the shot.

Design by: Slider75

I LOVE this design for Undead Nightmare (Red Dead Redemption). Design by: SnakeEyes Friex

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Hi Apple! Great photos from both Forza 4 and 5, cant wait to see more!

Great start bro, love this shot.

Hey guys. On the new forums I can’t figure out how to post exactly like we used to on the old forums, but this should do for now. These pictures in Forza 5 accumulated over my winter break from college, but there aren’t many because, frankly, I didn’t play very much Forza 5 over the break. Anyways, enjoy these updates, and some more will probably come soon from Forza 4! Please comment/critique me, pick your favorites, offer advice or whatever! Enjoy. :slight_smile:

EDIT Apparently a whole bunch of my photos are not posted now from FM5 that I thought were. So they are tacked on at the bottom!

Just when I think I may be getting the hang of drifting on simulation with the new physics…

I wanted to enter this one of the 787b into a photo contest but I’m not home so I can’t put the contest name in the description, which is required to enter. :confused:

Although I tell you guys often about the problems I have with FM5, THIS experience was a good one. I sat down, relaxed, and hot lapped my LFA around laguna seca for a good hour or so. Bone stock, just wanted to enjoy myself. Except I had to do it in test drive where no times or anything counts because for SOME REASON, THEY TOOK HOT LAP OUT OF FREE MODE. THANKS T10… Sorry. Anyways that’s it for now but expect more to come!

P.S.- I noticed in a recent update announcement they changed the max picture size we can put in the forums to be bigger than medium 640, but the other day I tried some bigger sizes like medium 800 and large, but they still posted the same size. Someone enlighten me about that please?

And check out my Flickr photosets they’re rad I promise!

Here’s the stuff that for some reason is gone, even though I’m pretty sure I posted all of these not long ago. Must have been a bug that wiped stuff out. Here they are again.

Thanks guys!

Hey guys, here are a bunch of photos I took when I was home last weekend, and an extra one from Forza 4 to set the mood for tomorrow (Sunday) the 23rd!

Tomorrow is the Daytona 500 at 1pm EST on Fox! This year the speeds and drafting are incredible. These stock cars are roaring around Daytona at 200 mph without a problem, and the closing rates are so fast in the draft. Tomorrow’s race, I have a feeling, will be one of the best in years.

These Forza 5 sets didn’t come out quite as nicely as I expected them to. Kind of a bummer but some shots came out really quite nicely. I need more time with Forza 5 to get used to the lighting settings, please feel free to critique anything! It would help!

I know I have yet to show off anything too impressive as of late, but I’m working on getting some real time on Forza 5 to take a lot of pictures, so it’ll come soon. For the meanwhile, please comment once you check these out! Tell me your favorite, or a again, constructive criticism would be really helpful! I hope you guys enjoy the pictures. Thanks everyone!

P.S.- Check out my flickr gallery, it’s got my actual real life pictures in there, I’m a photographer in person too! It’s got stuff like THIS! VVV


Hey guys! I just finished up a wonderful week at home for Spring Break! It was a great week, I finally stopped driving on simulation steering and had a fantastic time playing Forza. I took some awesome pictures while I was at it too. Some of them are a tad too light because on the computer compared to my tv, the pictures are lighter, so I forget to compensate for that with added contrast/less brightness. Nonetheless, not all was ruined! Some great shots of the three main cars I spent lots of time racing this week were produced and I’m pumped on how fun Forza was for me this week. I can’t wait to play more!

First, the Veloster. This thing isn’t so fast, but it looks great and corners like a boss for D-Class racing. While I avoided incoming GTO’s and Barracuda’s ramming through everything in their way on straightaways, it was no problem swerving between them in turns as they suffered serious understeer.

Here are some drivatars duking it out on Prague in front of me… for 8th place.

Next is the 2011 WRX that I decided to buy. I always wanted it because I felt like it looked really good in Forza 4, but it was an exclusive car only obtainable if you preordered somewhere certain, I think it was Best Buy. Anyhow, I bought it and upgraded + tuned it to race as a B-Class car. And good god is it a rocket ship. I love it, I tuned it so that it’s always got a little oversteer in the corners so I can kind of glide around them in a rally kind of sense, convenient because that’s the instinctive nature of any WRX, really. I raced it in the Rally sport compact league and it was great, it ate evo’s and even went cannibal on other WRX’s.

And the final car I tuned a bit and raced in the super track toys league was the Ariel Atom. Driving on simulation steering, I physically could not drive this thing, I couldn’t do more than three turns at low speed without spinning. So it felt really good to drive this thing the way it should be driven, and I’m sure I’m not the only one when I explain to you that the last picture is one of many moments where coming out of a turn it pulls so strongly that the front end starts to lift off the ground? :slight_smile:

So that’s it for my week off of school! I’ll update this once I can play some more when I go home in two weeks again. Speaking of which, in two weeks starts the 2014 Club Loose drift season at Raceway Park in Englishtown, New Jersey! I’m a media photographer there and take as many cool pictures as I can, so it’d be cool if you could go check out my stuff! Here’s the link to my photosets on Flickr where you can pick what you want to look at. sutphen91910’s albums | Flickr
I promise the pictures are great, they look cool like this picture I took over the weekend when I washed my Grandpa’s 64 Impala SS that he left to my family when he passed away. So check those out, PLEASE comment some feedback here on this forum on the Forza pictures, and drive full throttle! Thanks Guys!

These are some amazing pics!! Real life and forza. I really like the ones with the atom. Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to see more :slight_smile:

Awesome photos Apple! And man oh man is that impala sweet!

Thank you very much guys!!!

on forza 5 how do u share ur designs I cant figure it out

The only way I know of is to go to your saved designs, open which ever one in the livery editor, and then save it again and it should prompt you to share it.

I really like the Atom shots, it almost looks like the frame is twisting from the torque in the last shot. Great shots of the Impala as well, thanks for sharing!

Thanks luu, I appreciate it!

My favourite has to be this shot, due to the composition.

Thanks Pebb!


Hey guys! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to post again on here. I thought getting off of school was going to allow me to post more but then work started and I just kept forgetting to. So I have a lot of pictures that have kind of just stacked up since the last post. A lot of these I’m drifting in because I’ve been able to build a good bunch of drift cars, and I finally found a friend that can tandem really well! Still would be better if we just had user created lobbies so I could go into a tandem lobby there, but I’ll take what I can get. Without further Adieu, here’s my work so far! Enjoy and PLEASE COMMENT to let me know what you like and don’t like! Criticism can only help (as long as it’s not mean!). Thanks guys!

Hope you guys like them! Also, please go ahead and check out my Flickr Gallery! I’m an amateur photographer in the physical world too, and I shoot media for Club Loose drift events and I also like to just take various pictures where I travel and around my town. I promise there’ll be something you like. Maybe like this one below?

Check out the link, you won’t regret it!

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Nice variety of shots! I do plenty of drifting myself and I know how hard it is to find the right angle, but I would maybe add a little more exposure & contrast in some photos and some more color on the Silverstone & Prague shots. Other than that, all I can say is to just keep taking photos! And I followed you on flickr.

Also, wasn’t your Lada featured in an article somewhere? I have seen those pictures before and I remember reading an article.

These are absolutely stunning!

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Lethal- Thank you so much! For the critique and compliments! I’m thrilled you went and looked at my stuff on Flickr, I really appreciate the reposts as well. In regards of the Lada- I go to school with the sister of the guy who owns it. They’re in Manalapan, New Jersey. I would be THRILLED if my shots were in an article somewhere, but if they are I have not read or even heard of this article. If you could find it that would be amazing, I don’t know what to search for. Thanks again man, and we should totally drift sometime!!!

I believe the article was a Heavy Metal Affliction article here on but it must have been deleted when the new forums came out.

Beautifull new pics dude! Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Your flickr pics are soo good.