Welcome guys!
With the new forums comes all of our new galleries! My gamertag, for those of you that couldn’t figure it out is APPLEJACKS xxxx, and I have been playing Forza since very late Forza 2. I’m a photographer in the real world, and of course here in the world of Forza Motorsport. Some quick things I’d like to explain about my gallery is that it is for my photos to be posted, not yours. I accidentally broke that rule on someone else’s gallery one time, and the response to it really slapped me in the face to realize that even though I didn’t have the bad intentions, it still was rude. On that note, if you want feedback on your pictures, and you want people to see your work then go ahead and make your own thread in this media thread so people can see your stuff and give you some critiquing! Only good can come out of it.
Also, I am open for plenty of critiquing, it will only make me a better photographer as a whole. Your suggestions are what I would love to hear, but I do not want to here anyone being unreasonably mean to me or anyone else that posts on this thread. Being mean to other people over the internet is pathetic, think about what you say before you say it and get it through your head that if the attitude just stays the slightest bit positive, we can all get along and have the power to help each other out in great amounts. That’s what the Forza community is all about, and this community is unique because of it.
Finally, my favorite thing ever is drifting. Please invite me to drift if you ever would like to. I am at college, so I don’t get to play as much as in the summer, but I still play a bunch and I love meeting new people and running some crazy tandem! Let’s shred guys!
But that’s enough about all that stuff, onto the pictures! First I would like to provide you the link to my Flickr photo sets, which have all of my actual real- life pictures that I take at Club Loose in Englishtown, New Jersey. Club Loose if you don’t know about it is an organization of awesomeness in which people that want to start drifting can get great track time every month, as well as amateur, even pro drifters. Pictures like the one below are all posted on Flickr, and you can see 'em with this link! Enjoy them, and enjoy my Forzatography gallery guys! Thanks!
Here’s my stuff from the old forum:
I took this shot long before the actual Boss 302 came out in August (design: knightwolf702)…
… So I replicated the shot.
Design by: Slider75
I LOVE this design for Undead Nightmare (Red Dead Redemption). Design by: SnakeEyes Friex