This car should be very familiar to most people here I think, at least anyone who has owned or played the original Forza Motorsport on the Xbox (back when it was just called an Xbox…) With updates like new Chrome sponsor decals and FM5 logos, the cover car that started it all has made it’s way to the ironically named Xbox ONE

Anyone else have replicas of some of the classic Forza Advertising cars? Like the NISMO 350Z from FM1, or the VOLK version from 2? How about the street tuned SRT4 from the very first trailer? Show 'em off here, I’d love to see them!
That’s really cool mate and the chrome logo’s seamlessly bring it into the next gen! I’m going to have to pick this one up.
Thanks man! I should probably post up the “How to find it” info now that you mention it, so here it is:
Car- 2005 Honda NSX-R
File Name- FM1 Classic NSX
Keywords- 1 “racing” 2 “throwback”
Annnnnnd it’s time to play Forza 1
I did that myself not too long ago, good times! I barely repressed a shudder at my old liveries, I forgot how bad I was when I first stared painting XD. It was pretty fun to go blasting along the night time point to point races again though.