Anyone else missing their Blueprints?

I noticed yesterday that the tile in my Creative Hub for Blueprints is reading zero:

Prior to the recent Super7 update I was at 47 shared so I clicked on the tile and tried searching my Gamertag & also by share codes but just got “NO EVENTS FOUND”.

Same thing happened when I left the garage and tried to access my Hub from the pause menu. Fortunately I can still see & play my Blueprints if I go to their location on the map and select Solo > Custom Events but I still receive an error message if I try to view the share code. Trouble is I can’t remember exactly where they all are, LoL… in my defence, I didn’t really have to before.

No joy if I search for my routes on the community BLUEPRINT EVENTS tab either, although I can see other people’s share codes oddly.

Did a quick check but haven’t seen anything about this in any of the recent threads or in any Xbox clubs so I’m not sure if it’s just me or if everyone’s so busy with the Super7 that they’ve just not noticed yet? LoL!

Submitted a ticket earlier, I’m on Xbox One X by the way.

Not mine - not checked my own yet.

This does seem to be the same issue you speak of (also just from series 30 update):

“Forza Horizon 4 - Some 90% Of My Blueprints Are Gone…”


I like that video, it has my Cosmic Sleigh in it! Coincidentally I just made a Challenge called The Cosmic Sleigh Ride! Coincidentally driving that car!

Thanks for posting that… he really made me chuckle :grin:

Although he’s able to search some of his Blueprints by code, it does look like there is an issue and it’s not just me (which is always good to know). Even though I don’t remember exactly where all of mine are on the map, I can find them… and I’m nowhere near as unhappy as that bloke, LoL!

First of all, sorry for my so so englisch in advance.
Are youre problems fixed? My community cards dont show up in my creative hub and blueprint doesnt count. You get 100 points for driving your blueprint . Normally i couldnt care less but have all starcards the creative one all but one above tier 5 .
Now take a guess wich one.
… been grinding my blueprints every day in hope they got it fixed. But could better spended that time on my girlfriend. I’m sure she would gave me that starreward🤗
Filled in ticket 3 weeks ago and got an autorespons in turn. Frustrating since its a essential part of the game. In my oppinion.

No it hasn’t been fixed.

I submitted two separate tickets (about this issue and the broken import feature) which got merged into one and was marked as “solved”. That was nearly 4 weeks ago.

I gave up waiting and started to make new ones. These are showing in HUB and registering stats as they’re supposed to so I’ve written off the others.