I’ve won two street races in a Hot Hatch but nothing doing. Anyone figured it out?
I Used Vauxhall Corsa VRX 2016 A Class Horizon Callejera Street Race Worked For Me
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I also used the corsa with no issues
Just for giggles, i ran the Cruce Del Valle in the stock Ford Fiesta 14 and it triggered for me.
Sounds like you may need a game restart Spirant
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I just did Las Laderas in a B700 2013 Renault Clio, triggered fine.
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okay, game restart time!
thanks all
Worked fine for me with one of those “0 sec street” blueprints in an '03 Golf.
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looks like it shouldn’t be a problem after restarting; off to Viking England for a bit, see if the Helix shop gift is something useful