Any cruisers out there?

I miss cruising around like in FM4. Post your gamertag on here and maybe we can get a lobby going.

That would be awesome! I’m always in a for cruising around a bit!

Come on, there has to be more people out there lol

add me yo boy roooster i host cruise and drag lobbys.h


GT: Cosworth V3

Would love to cruise anytime ! Gt is Jordono3

add me >>>> jaimecrx <<<<

I’m down to cruise around…

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I’m up for cruising…

Sometimes I just don’t care and I “Got that gas pedal, leaned back, taking my time” in public hoppers or while playing CnM. Never did an actual “cruise lobby”…
Oh and just so y’all know, we know what your gamertag is as you post using it.

I’m going to add everyone in this thread, feel free to add back.

Send me a message sometime and/or invite me.

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Invite me, i miss cruising like back on Horizon :frowning:

I’m down for cruising gt is mciulla

Yea I’m down too

Ready to rumble ;))
<<< Z1SS >>>

Anyone wanting to cruise add me.

i feel u bro i miss user created races in fm4 add me >>> JDMS SUCK <<<

In under MIKES3

Add me, if anyone is interested I’d like to get in some street drag lobbies as well using brake lights as a tree. Not a big fan of forza’s drag lobby and would rather do street drags

I would love to do that! Add me Shehatesmyxbox1