I was wondering if there is anyway to download legacy DLC for Forza titles?
I am missing Forza Presents Fast and Furious (I am 100% sure I already purchased this but it is no longer on my account) Doms 1970 Charger the one for renting the movie on xbox and the DLC for Forza Motorsport 5? Even if there is a way to buy these titles On PC with all of the content as that is all I am now missing.
FnF you won’t find.
I was able to find a code for fm5 car pass dlc on dell.com 2 years ago.
Rest of dlc out of luck afaik. Might get lucky googling but game is eol a while now
Ye, thats a shame, a real shame actually, thanks for that idea about the car pass I am really gutted about Horizon presents FNF tho as I owned that I remember playing it I had it installed and now its gone and not on my account either I really do need some help from T10 on this issue.
@T10 anyone out there who can offer some guidance?