[ANSWERED] Texture's strobing/flickering

Specs -
GTX1080 - stock clocks and latest drivers
16gb DDR4
2tb SSD

Something has happened to my game. Textures are flashing and disappearing while I play. As I drive down the track, certain textures will just disappear and reappear sort of flickering and strobing. This never happened to me before. It’s not MSAA or texture resolution, I already tested it. It’s not a video memory issue, already tested that. It’s not a graphics overclock issue, because I’m not overclocking the card. I’m running the game the same way I always have. The only thing I can think of , would be the latest Nvidia drivers, however, I can’t run an old Nvidia driver as it messes up too many other things as a consequence. So reverting to old Nvidia drivers is just inappropriate and unacceptable. Does anybody know what this is? I have a video if anybody wants to see it. Forza 7 is unplayable for me in this state.

Specs -

6700k @ 4.5 (noctua NH-D15, so temps are well within comfort zone)
GTX 1070
16gb DDR4
500gb SSD
Driver 430.64

I can confirm that this is not a hardware issue. I am getting good frames at 4K on ultra settings (AA has been wound back slightly as 4K counters the decrease). GPU is not overclocked, and is not overheating. All four sticks of RAM are healthy, and the SSD is well up on read/write speeds.

I hadn’t played for a long time, but got the urge to just mess about in open trackday lobbies. I haven’t tested single player.

After the May 7th update there have been some texture issues for users on PC and Xbox. Textures clip/disappear/strobe etc. Does anybody have any idea as to how long it would take them to fix something like this? Would they roll out a fix in the next scheduled patch, or would something like this see a hotfix in the near future? I don’t really want to come down hard on Turn10 because they did a good job getting the penalty system up , and I’m sure it’s hard work, but atm I can’t really play the game.

It’s been two weeks since the last update, and the texture issue is still in the game. I guess this means Turn10 are not interested in resolving this? When the game is broken for users across platforms , and it takes months to resolve the issue, you will quite literally kill your game. I haven’t launched the game since May 7th because of this texture issue. It’s an issue that affects PC and Xbox users. WHY wont anybody respond to this? Why wont the developers say anything? They leave me no choice but to assume they do not care about this issue, and I’m not a mind reader, so I have to assume the worst. They haven’t even acknowledged the issue. Do they even know about it? I’ve sent in bug reports to Microsoft, but I haven’t received a follow up. Are users just assuming Microsoft knows about this issue and will fix it? If this game is going to remain in this state for several more weeks, I will just clear the room from my hard drive and find something else to play. And I’m not saying that to try and get you guys to resolve the issue more quickly. I’m just telling you what will happen. You can’t expect players to wait around for months for a patch that makes the game playable again. They will lose interest and go somewhere else. Also, I would really really consider looking into whoever was responsible for making sure the game was solid after the May 7th patch. There’s no way you could have missed something like this unless you were grossly negligent.

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Please submit a ticket https://support.forzamotorsport.net/hc/en-us/requests/new so we can investigate further.

I have submitted a ticket two weeks ago, as did several other users on the forum. There have been multiple threads started on this topic that date back 20 days ago. There has been no hotfix or even acknowledgement from Turn10. Shame, because they were just starting to rebuild their reputation, and I was starting to trust their decision making. Breaking a game , with no hotfix or acknowledgement for over 20 days is not appropriate. There’s no excuse for this. We have ALL submitted tickets. I know this because EVERYBODY keeps saying they’ve sent in tickets.

Hey Wolf, with due respect - everybody’s been submitting tickets including myself but they’ve been met with no response.

Are the developers planning to fix this at all? It’s extremely annoying and the night driving lighting glitches introduced after May 7 are even more annoying and distracting. Please roll out a fix SOON.

Agreeing with the ShadyBrady06 above, I haven’t played the game since the May update because of this problem. Did one race, saw insane pop in/out of objects, immediately quit.

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