[ANSWERED] [PC] icant play online FH4

first i must say my english is not good i hope you can understand and help me.
my Problem is that i coudnt play online ,i try many things i found ,i called with Xbox Support but they couldnt help me.
In the Xbox App network is ok ,i try it without firewll and antivir, the game run last time without problems bevor a month
i find nothing what help me.
Ingame he said that i could not go in the seasion i see a support id, a server id ,service quality is good he find 15 places region is west europe (if i click try again erverytime i see all region)
and ipsec he say 0x00000000. i play offline without problems but i could do nothing what need forza server,if i want see auction or some other things he said forza horizon 4 server temporary
not available pls ty again later.
Xbox Support sayed me that my teredo is ok ,after the things i must do, but they couldnt say me why ingame i dont have conection.
In Xbox App the Network sayed NAT-Type open and all ok
i write a tiket to forza support but i wait for awnser a long time i think i show if someone else have same iuses and know how can fix it.

Please submit a ticket and include that error code and possibly a screenshot or capture if you can.

i have send a tiket in January and nobody answer me , now the tiket is deleted an i cant see it , its like i never send it.
and i have the same problem if i go in the game it shows me the message “Forza 4 server temporally not avaible ,please try later” i can play only soloplay

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i forget to say i could play to december , in january the problem begins

Iv had the same problem for the past 2 months

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