[ANSWERED] Issues on Xbox One

I have encountered a few issues which I’ll describe below.

  1. The grip level handicap system doesn’t appear to be working, or is intermittent at best. In both online private lobbies and in free play, the lap times and overall level of grip in the car doesn’t change when changing handicap settings. My weekly spec league relies on handicaps to level the playing field between skill levels of drivers. We are all of the mindset that we prefer close racing in a pack. The handicap system has always allowed us to do that. However, while running an exhibition race in a private lobby last night, the handicaps were not applied. Then, roughly 12 laps into the race they suddenly kicked on, and remained on the rest of that race. Then in the following race, some drivers that were supposed to have a handicap (set by the individual group settings) had the handicap while others in the same group did not. Then, in single player under free play test drive, the handicaps were not actually affecting the car even though I made major swings at them. I turned identical lap times with no handicaps as I did with a 50% front and rear handicap. Obviously, this shouldn’t be the case.

  2. I know their are threads about tune loading, but I’m experiencing the same issues as well. When I load a tune, it loads the parts, but not the actual setup. This has been verified via telemetry in both online lobbies and in single player free play.

  3. For the first time I started getting frame rate issues. Not up and down, but a major dip that lasted for a long time. Then, all of sudden it would go back to where it’s supposed to be. This was in the same multiplayer lobby. Then, today, in free play test drive I experienced the same thing. See the One Drive Video Links below, specifically the last 30 seconds or so. It’s hard to see due to the compression the xbox DVR does, but you can really see it in the wall around the track. Can also notice some screen tearing in the trees.

I’m not at all complaining, just bringing it to your attention. It’s understandable to have some quirks with a new release. However, I don’t remember tune loading or handicaps being applied ever being an issue in a previous FM release. I’ve also never experienced frame rate issues in an FM game before. Here’s hoping these issues get resolved soon. The next season of the spec league is meant to start on 11/7, but with these issues, I’m not sure I can effectively run the league the way we always have. Tuning and handicaps have always been a major component of our league. Here’s hoping these are easily patchable fixes.




Handicaps still are not working. Neither is tune loading. I tried a new disc and fresh install for the frame rate issue to an avail.

We are looking into this issue.

Thank you,

How about it crashing constantly? Specifically after exiting multiplayer to switch lobbies. It throws you back to the Xbox homescreen

That’s an issue I haven’t seen DaReo. Interesting how lots of people have differing problems, but not much repetition person to person.

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I just noticed the saved tunes are not being loaded the other night. I made a speedway and a road course tune for a Nascar vehicle as I did the Nascar career event. Every time I try to load one of them for a race, it asks if I want to install the parts and settings for that setup (it’s stock parts, there are no parts to load!!), I say yes, it acts like it’s loading…then I check the settings and it hasn’t changed a thing. What gives? Simple enough to move the aero settings from max to min each time, but what’s the point of saving them if they don’t load?

I have already emailed turn 10 the following update to my problem. I preordered/downloaded the game, and since playing on 9/29, I couldn’t finish a race on Maple Valley. I tried everything I could think of, including deleting and doownloading the game. Still couldn’t finish a race without a crash. I recently deleted and re downloaded overnight, this time not starting the game when prompted ready to start as I had done the first time. Maple Valley is now functioning normally, as are all tracks mentioned as problematic by others. The only issue I currently still have is liveries disappearing from cars I’m racing.