All leaderboards drag tunes now shared!

Hi guys, as we had our last car pack this month I have shared all the tunes you need to reach top10-20s for drag from D class to X class all easy to use aswel. all tunes tell you how to run them in the description.

hope you enjoy

Where did you share them at?

TY for sharing Burns !!

go to upgrade hit the button just to left of the Xbox button and go to load file … hit it again then scroll down to creator and enter his name. Note if you are looking for a particular tune ie alfa 033 you have to be in that car to find them

have you got a list of cars, or would it be better to lookup the leaderboard to see the car used?

It would be easier for me if you just looked up the leaderboards mate

Come on guys, don’t be sending me msg asking for the tunes unlocked, the msg will just get deleted

haha this happens every time i share a monthly/vip rivals tune … i guess this is a sign that they are good tunes??

At least u didn’t get a message from a guy saying he tore ur build apart but needs help tuning it lol.

not anymore used to get those alot in fm4 im sure every tuner has had some of these at some point . i take this as a good thing now used to hate the messages

Been getting msg since fm3, but best msg I got was (can I have the Bugatti tune unlocked so I can tune it better to make it faster), lol best quote ever, made me laugh.

Burns all i have to say is amazing work !! the tunes do what they are meant to do … but now i have to get my shifts down :slight_smile: TY again for sharing these great tunes

Thanks reaper glad the tunes helped you out

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