All Hoonicorns need to be added to the Autoshow.....across all games

Doesn’t have to be this instant of course but at least within a few weeks time. So what if some are supposed to be “Rare”? There’s plenty of those already. Let the players celebrate him in any vehicle they wish. Probably one of the most influential pro race drivers when it comes to the workings of todays social media. Maybe only 2nd to Dale Jr but I can easily see arguments in Blocks favor.


Dale who?

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:popcorn: :slight_smile:

I am not American so the JR in Dale does not apply to me, Ken however is universal


That’s okay… Without you saying “Ken” and the “Block” in the OP, I wouldn’t have known who died to merit this thread.

The only one you can’t buy or get from accolades is hoonicorn v2 and ken did not even get to keep it when ford let him go. So it would not be the best car to show your respect in.


After thinking about it Block was probably more influential in today’s media as I often forget NASCAR attention stops at the coasts. Also it’s not about letting people show their respect, this is just a game. But there’s A LOT of youth that play this game who just lost their hero. Youth that may not be progressed into the game for the unlocks or unlucky in wheelspins. In '94 I would have really enjoyed being able to visually represent Senna in Monaco GPII or the F1 game on Amiga, playing both a lot of right after he died, just a kid pretending I was him.

My assumption is that if any game is going to honor Ken Block, they may do so with the current car he uses (the Hoonitron), as that is the most recent car that he has used in his gymkhana series.


I can’t exactly speak for Runoff, and I certainly don’t bear his grudge against EVs, but having grown up around them I personally find something soothing about big rumbly engines (and to a lesser extent the smell of gasoline and rubber). Being the fastest is barely a footnote in what makes a car interesting to me.

That aside, that Hoonitron looks neat. I kinda like Audis and wouldn’t mind having it in-game.


I think I winced when I first heard he’d gone electric, too. For better or, I suspect, worse, that’s the way we’re headed. :shakesfist:

That Audi does look pretty good, though. As with most things automotive, putting a bloody big V8 in it would obviously improve things significantly.

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From a technology standpoint, it is an amazingly well engineered car, but watching that Vegas clip from the latest gymkhana video seemed so meh. Mostly electric and gear whine and tire squeal, nothing else. So robotic…

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i would have to agree it would be great to see more hoonigans in honor of Ken Block