AI Car lights bug

There is a minor annoyance concerning the AI lights on rain races (havent tried night races yet) when most of cars have red lights on the back, few of them have a green light one.
Anyone concerned by this bug ? is it a known bug under investigation ? and more importantly is there a fix ?

Tried changing settings, resolution with no satifactory results.


Manage to solve the problem with some hocus pocus trick who fooled my computer by disabling drivatar liveries, no green lights on distance now for night races.
But still, doesnt work on the wet, green lights on the starting grid.

Still investigating.

Tasks done so far :
Reinstalling the game X
Trying very low settings X
Trying 2k and 4k settings, MSAA X
Tried ultra setting X
Tried disabling AI headlights X

Most of my games have no visual glitches like those, moreso older versions of FM7 worked well with proper headlights indicator on the back.
That minor annoyance became a major one whereas spoils the fun of racing.