Adding reward cars to the car dealer and Free Play

I bought the game later because I wanted all the bugs of the early phase removed and a better version of the game as a whole by buying it later which now led to me missing many reward cars, many of which I would love to have now. Unfortunatly I missed out and it’s now impossible to get them because of tve FOMO content. I hope they solve this issue soon, because many players have this issue too

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Yup! Like many others in this thread, I also missed out on the rewards cars!
So frustrating!!
Is there any updates on this as of late?
Any polls still up that I can vote?

Turn 10 really needs to listen. The game NEEDS MORE CONTENT! Having timed limited cars and events is just ridiculous.

I was really looking forward to the Audi Performance V10 for my Audi collection :frowning:

Yup I’m sick of this FOMO system and grinding for cars. We all paid for the game and should have access to ALL cars. Turn 10 need to implement one of the following suggestions:

  1. Keep the monthly reward car events added to the career mode and make them permanent so the reward cars can still be obtained for FREE (no in-game credits needed).

  2. If they’re getting rid of the events with every update, the reward cars should be added to the car dealer to purchased with in game credits. At least have the reward cars added to the car dealer a month or two after the monthly tour ends. That way if you complete the tour you get early access to the reward car and get it for free.


Couldn’t have said it better myself! Very unfair and pointless for them to do this.

Does Turn 10 even read these? They have to know a large portion of their players are frustrated with this.

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This is surely going to get more attention now as we’ve hit a major milestone: over 200 votes!

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Hey everyone!

Just seen a new post from the Forza Facebook page. They say their future “Challenge Hub” will be a new way to earn reward cars!
I don’t know if this solves our issues completely, but it sounds like a step in the right direction!
I’m hoping by “Reward Cars” they mean ALL reward cars, including past ones that we missed!

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Baby steps. However, the ultimate goal, really, is to make sure they’re available to buy, and even rent in Free Play.

Even if they make previous tours permanent in the Builders Cup, you have to take note that the reward cars can only be won once.

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