Adding reward cars to the car dealer and Free Play

I just upvoted it, all this stuff has to be permanent. FOMO shouldn’t be a thing in Forza Motorsport it’s not Horizon❗


It is a must. I always liked that fm gave all cars for rental. Having to grind for a car, especially when you play ocassionaly due to daily routine, completetly ruins experience.
I just want to spend 30 min making hot lap on a favourite track, not to spend few hours to get reward car.


It is lowkey insane that a game can treat content like a private joke, like “sorry, you had to be there to get it”.


100 votes! With the car progression systems finally addressed in update 6, hopefully this topic will gain traction by Turn Ten next.


Voted! We should be able to buy ALL the reward cars later through the Dealer in case we miss out on the spotlight ones. Please implement this in the next update. Game is already short on content so you need all the votes you can get T10!


Hello Devs could you please take the time to read this im not being mean or trying to ruin your day just trying to be friendly and help you make this game better. I would like to bring up a few issues and a free play race position issue. That has been annoying me, I usually have more than enough time to get the reward cars before they are gone. However this time I almost missed the open class Porsche reward one by 5 minutes. I know this is a tall order but, could you please bring the campaign reward cars to the auto show so I can buy them and sell them whenever I want. Also to give people the cance to get these cars that they couldn’t get casue of life or work. That would be great now to the second issue in free play race position there are only 2 options, random or Pi fixed. I would like to have a third option which is, to select any grid position I want like in the campaign. And I know its a live service game but if possibe, could you please add the option to be able to install upgrades, buy cars, apply my liveries, and race in free play without a online connection ? In my honest opinion only the multiplayer should be internet connection required not the campaign or free play. And could all the campaigns that we got over the last few months be added peminatley to the campaign roster that only has 5 please, and add the option to make the campaign races longer like in Motorsport 7. Besides these issues im enjoying the game, if these options can be added to the game in a hot fix or update 7 that would be great. Thanks for your time hope you all have a nice day.

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I agree


Thanks for linking my thread to whoever did, hopefully this will tell turn 10 to implement this in the next update.


UPDATE: Following the addressing of the largest complaint at the time, which was the car progression system, this is now the most-voted topic in the Economy/Progress suggestions forum.

Just encourage people to vote for the suggestion and get our voices heard so that nobody gets left behind with cars in Forza Motorsport.


And they should keep the featured tours as permanent it will help build career up since its sparse and some new to forza are in that as well


There is another topic on remove FOMO cars as well, I hope this and that one get the most votes.

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This is apparently the original one, but yeah, the whole idea is still there.

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I would be all for #2. Why they wouldn’t do this from the get go is beyond me. You’re lighting the torches and sharpening the pitchforks of your fanbase yourself that way.


Totally support this. Everyone should get the cars later somehow, whether they are VIP or not.



We should get a chance to get those cars.


Reward cars should be available as rental cars in Free Play.

I understand that we have to “own” the reward cars for modifying or painting them, but why not just let us rent them in Free Play like any other cars?
There is no reason for excluding them from rental lineups.

Also, since Free Play with rental cars is the only playable mode in this game without the internet, all of reward cars will disappear after the future server shutdown unless they become available as rental cars.

All of the cars should be accessible in Free Play for the better player experiences and the game conservation.


Excellent idea. They have to cave in eventually, they must.

This was a dumb idea from day one, just like the one with CP or CarPG which they thankfully booted - game has been 100% more enjoyable after that.

Hopefully, they will follow suit with this one too.


I just want the reward cars in the autoshow. I’ll even pay 1 or 2 million credits if i have to. Just please add them permanently. :slightly_smiling_face:


Makes perfect sense to do so. Even though I’m a VIP, I’d pay whatever amount I must to have those reward cars in my garage.

If they are truly free, then they should be free for everyone, no matter what point in time they log in to play the game


I know others have asked about this and I’ve read through the forums about this topic and, sadly, currently there is no way to acquire previous reward cars.

My suggestion is to add some way to acquire previous series reward cars. More specifically, the 1974 #1 Porsche 911 Carrera RSR.

I absolutely love the game, and I’ve played Forza since the original Forza Motorsport. I especially love the driving physics. However, I feel that since I paid full price for the game, as I want to support its development, I feel that I shouldn’t be limited access to certain content simply because I bought the game after the specific series ended.

Please add a way to acquire previous reward cars. I don’t care how difficult or how expensive. This will honestly make earning the car more worthwhile, but having it simply unavailable makes me feel like I’ve wasted the money I’ve spent.

I hope this gets read by those that have the ability and power to make these changes. I sincerely think the devs did a great job with this game and I am excited to see where it goes.