Achievements wont pop?

i cant get any achievements to pop is this a known problem or is it an issue on my end.

Me Too :frowning:

glad im not the only one

I am not getting any achievements either.

Same issue here, no achievements and no progress in Forza Hub.

EDIT: actually progress popped up in FH at some point, perhaps achievements are soon to come \o/

Won’t pop for me either. I have updated progress on Forza Hub but no achievements. Hope it gets fixed in an update. I also deleted and reinstalled the game.

I also have this issue, and would love to know what the problem is. One of my friends that has the game are getting their achievements unlocked. For some reason we are having problems. I can only think that it is a windows setting or user setting problem. This has to be sorted.

Figured out having the Connected User Experiences and Telemetry service disabled will block achievements from working. Re-enabled it and they’re popping now.

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Where are these settings?

Go to run and type in services.msc , look for Connected User Experiences and Telemetry service, and right click, go to properties, and switch it to manual/ automatic , and start the service.

That may not be the issue now, it was working this morning but now the service is running and active and they aren’t working any more in Forza or MC. Please let us know if this works for you.

Service was already running. Still no pop. I should have gotten at least half a dozen, but still not the first one has actually popped.

Same problem here. playing a few hours into the game and no achievements .

Thank you for reporting your issue. We will pass the information along.

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Same problem here, some are unlocking, but not all.
Have tried switching “Connected User Experiences and Telemetry service” on and off, but that doesn’t help :(.

I got the first 5 achievements the other day no problem. I launched the game tonight and none of the achievements have popped. I should have another 4 or 5 by now.

The only thing I did differently was change the gfx settings and resolution.

In case some of you havent played on xbox one’s = this can be a weird issue with those. Achievements get stuck in a “done unlocking” state due to a mis-match with Xbox servers. Usually these pop when you reset your console or sign in on a different console…it can be up to 3 or 4 months before they pop!

I’m not sure this is the same issue here though - I can’t see that the achievements are “done” they just still say locked…

Me too. achievements were unlocking fine yesterday and the day before but today (Tuesday 10th) achievements are not unlocking. Also my % progress towards achievements are not increasing in the Xbox app.

Same problem here. Achievements were unlocking fine earlier today (about 5 hours ago) but have since stopped, no idea why.

Achievements popped for me 3 days ago, none since, and I’ve tested this by doing the “Snap!” achievement.

Hope a fix is soon.

Thank you for updating us on this issue. Please continue to keep us informed.

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Yeah I have the same problem. Progress is showing in Forza Hub but I still don’t have any achievements.