Achievements Not Working

As per title the achievements are not working on my PC installation.

Played quite a few hours now, progressed through the game yet not one single achievement, Please fix Turn 10.

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Maybe your suffering the same issue that happened on FH3
If you are playing on PC: make sure you have not disabled Connected User Experiences and Telemetry setting, and turn off antivirus programs

for me achievements are working but i`m not getting any popups and sounds as notification

same problem with no working achievements here.

tried to turn telemetry on, av off - restarted the game and accessed the achievements from inside the game… still 0 gamerscore.

WTF is going on???!!!

same for me even clean instaled windows and reinstaled game but still no achievements.
Telemetry is turned on and i have only windows defender

so telemetry and av doesn’t seem to be the problem. let’s hope that they’re aware of the problem. when I open the xbox-app it don’t shows any playtime but it shows that I own it… funny shit lol

I bought the Ultimate edition today but no achievements is unlocked!
I reseted the Xbox app and Forza data in Windows settings but still no luck.
When I open achievements in game it show 5 hour playtime but nothing else not even number of cars or fans.
I don’t know what to do