I wanted to check with the community and see if they see a difference in the chase views of the '65 Mustang, '66 Nova and any other car.
I want to make sure I don’t need my eyes checked. lol. Chase view for these cars seem a little tilted to far. Reminds me of Forza 4’s perspective. Makes me wonder if this is intentional.
Should I bother reporting this to Turn 10’s E-mail? It’s not really game breaking but a little on the strange side when racing.
Yeah, I have noticed it as well. I don’t drive in 3rd person generally though, so it doesn’t bother me. I only noticed it when I was looking around the car. The thing with the 1969 Nova though is that in first person the arms get in the way of the camera. Some sort of weird glitch. I haven’t driven the 66 Nova though. It basically appears to be the 2nd view for 3rd person with the Mustang. It isn’t an issue, but just weird looking.
And I don’t even know if Turn 10 respond to emails. I have sent a few things from glitches, but usually get an automated message back. I am sure they see it, but whether or not they deem them necessary or not, I don’t know. They haven’t fixed any of the paint glitches, so I doubt this will be deemed necessary. They probably are focused on fixing more serious ones including save content being corrupted, or the online infamous lag issues.
Can’t hurt to shoot them an email though.
Yeah…I figured someone else would notice. Probably not much of a priority right now but still very strange that it only affects a couple of DLC cars.