41km Rally stage custom event

I am trying out this custom route creator thing, and I think I’ve finally done something interesting enough to share.
I have tested this both with AI (there’s a hickup for them on a jump near a wind generator with a sharp right after it, but only if you’re on Unbeatable or close to it. Slower AI don’t jump at high enough speed to encounter plroblems), and with friends online, so Im certain there are no checkpoint issues.
It is a rally stage, and I’d say about 90% of it is on gravel. I’d like to include more gravel roads in it, but there would be too much tarmac sections to link them.
In any case - 41km in S1 class rally monsters in winter. The race takes about 18 minutes to complete
You can find it at Highland Farm Scramble
Race name is Winter Rally stage
You can search for it by my screen name RBXGT2
Tell me what you think. Post a comment with your times or with ideas on how to improve.

P.S: I apologize if there’s an actual “share your custom event” thread somewhere, but I couldn’t find it.
P.S2: It seems forza does not want me sharing that exact version, so I’ve edited the post. The winter version is available.


That was a real solid route! did it on unbeatable, in a stock #199 Subaru WRX and had 3 RS200 on my butt right up until the end, even after they flew by that windmill

I definitely will check it out. Always looking for good Rally events. Thanks for sharing.