3.96 gb update?

My xbox started downloading a 3.96 update for Forza Horizon 3. What is this?

probably an update. We know as much as you. Just cause it went gold does not mean they don’t update it

Also how are we suppose to know when the game isnt even out yet lol

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Maybe there was something mentioned that i missed?

why is it a concern?

At the moment those who have purchased have a placeholder.

That will trigger various downloads up until go live day.

The updates may just be the actual game or a day one update or something else.

Either way if you get to go live day and the game is not complete or not working then get concerned.


Jesus does that mean the file size so far for the game is 50gbs…? lol

46.34 GB initial plus 3.69 GB update equals 50.03 GB so far… so the answer to your question is yes.

It doesn’t work that way, I’m sure there are a lot of files in the update that replace older files so the update size isn’t completely cummulative to the existing one.

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Yeah, that is why i am wonder about it!

50gb is pretty small, i mean BO3 is like 80gb (inc. dlc)

My top 3 of biggest size playable games at the moment :

1 - 54.5 GB - World of Tanks
2 - 49.9 GB - Forza Motorsport 6
3 - 45.8 GB - Dragon Age Inquisition

The Forza Horizon 3 preload is already 47.3 GB so it will definately enter as well. :slight_smile:

By the way did Overwatch : Origins Edition become cross-platform? I bought that on PC when it was released earlier this year, now just saw it ready for download on my XBox. :slight_smile:

A couple of weeks ago I saw Max - The Curse of Brotherhood ready for download as well but I never bought that game on PC.

Weird stuff

That game is free to play for the weekend. I saw that last night in My Games & Apps and I was freaking out that someone hacked into my account and bought that or I accidentally bought it somehow. No, just free to play for Gold members this weekend.


Ah…T10 is busy at getting the latest updates out early so that come release date the servers are not that taxed! Good to know mate!

The infamous ‘Day -14’ update …

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aint it the truth!
Now there’s patches to games not even available on top of day one patches! Gotta love this Gen

(before anyone rips me a new one, I am joking and have no idea what this is.) I do hate these day one patches a ton of games have though!

See it this way, better to get the update now than at midnight of the 23rd.

Exactly :slight_smile:

If it means fewer issues then it’s worth it!

Yeah, just because there’s an update today doesn’t mean there won’t be more in the next fortnight.

Curiously though, I have yet to actually get this update. Perhaps it was part of the install when I preloaded it last week.