1973 Ford CAPRI RS3100 FE is really hard to get

1973 Ford CAPRI RS3100 FORZA EDITION is really hard to get.
Please sell the car on the auction.
I will buy it for 20,000,000 CR

You can’t buy it on the auction it was removed from it a few years ago. You have to earn it like everyone else by grinding. It’s hard…but I did all the tuner star cards in a week by making good paint jobs tunes and blueprints. The rest is the trick. Get into a drift adventure to get league 10 if you are having trouble. Make a convoy and score high. That is how I did it. My ranked is broke…and I got league 8 with one drift adventure after just giving up. It’s doable. You just gotta grind.

I want this car too. But ranked drift and playground games prevent me from getting it, Cuz of very long matchmaking, and sometimes it won’t have enough players and waste another chunk of time.

Really? I bought a few on the Auction House last year

Did it reach 20,000,000 or just some low price?

I know I bought one for a low price, the others no idea.

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I bought out one last weekend for 286000. If I wan’t to sell it now the max is 286000. You need some luck when you do a search and quick buy out the car.

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Amazingly, I found 2 in the auction house today, missed the first one, got the second one for 20M. I’ve been randomly trying for at least a year.

Yeah, if you keep trying long enough you’ll find them.

lol it’s like buying the mercury cougar from the eliminator…you own one but you did nothing to earn it. Just play and get one the old fashioned way…

If you can play online. If you can’t you could never earn one. So I (have to) buy them in the AH.

That’s a different story then. I have an issue with my status as well online. I could be a grandmaster and it would still show level 12. I rank at league 8 last time…log back in league 12. Customer support is non existent as well. Sorry to hear. That is not fair.