1973 Ford Capri RS3100 Bug

i have two 1973 Ford Capri’s in my garage and i can not remove either one of them. It bugs me and i was wondering if Turn 10 was aware of this issue. Thanks.

How did you get two?

Man I wish I had 2. That would be awesome I love that car, it is so much fun.

As above, how did you get two?
I’d love two capris, can’t have too much of a good thing,

I have two. My game crashed when I was picking it up from the mechanic lady, so it got cloned.

Anybody put a V8 in it?

Yep. I did not do it for my first tune but a friend picked up an S1 tune that they did not like so asked me to tune one for them.

I uploaded it last night.

It is lively, it is fun. You would need to get used to it if you want to drive a clean, no skill points race but after doing a full online roadtrip with it last night my friend said, don’t change a thing. When you get used to it it will stay on rails if you drive it that way but it will misbehave if you ask it to.


Oh yes… I asked, and it misbehaved all right. I was taking it up the Castelleto coastline…in the rain, while listening to the classical station. I got sideways with it and almost lost it. Great fun!

Maybe you cannot remove it since it i a bran find.

Why would you want to remove it anyways? Normally, you just select the car and one of the menu options is remove car.