Changing the car in multiplayer lobby cuts out the headlight, Check this video I just recorded
I mean why? is this really hard to fix? These small problems can lead the game so annoying at times, i feel like going to store and give it a 1* rating.
Changing the car in multiplayer lobby cuts out the headlight, Check this video I just recorded
I mean why? is this really hard to fix? These small problems can lead the game so annoying at times, i feel like going to store and give it a 1* rating.
I know man. I posted about this a month ago in the Technical Support forum and nobody ever replied. No investigation, nothing.
and you can’t neither manually turn them on, like for that damn tunnel on dubai
Quite a lot of cars have this I’ve noticed.
Certainly not all of them, but it is really annoying in some night races like Spa or Sebring were it is pitch black at certain points.
You can turn on the ideal line (fully or brake only) as a workaround I guess but still…
It’s more than likely not a small bug, hence why it’s taking a long while to fix.
I think we all do. I have racingline on for this exact reason, i have put down the brightness of my monitor to combat eye strain. So when you get to a track that is dark…well its seriously dark :-).
Run the track limit ribbons but yeah. Like so many bugs nothing seems to be getting resolved.
Headlights, random crashes to dashboard, car selection in multiplayer (was fixed but is broken again), entire lobbies collapsing to name but a handful of regular annoyances I have whilst playing.
I still play daily as I have since launch but any faith I had in Turn 10 is long gone.
Yep, there’s another topic about it where I said it’s just another bug that won’t be fixed by Turn10, and they deleted it because it was “trolling”. There’s so many bugs in this game it’s unbelievable. Everytime they release a new big patch, there’s nothing on race regulations, they don’t fix these bugs, but hey, have some drag racing and drifts so it feels like it’s a big patch.
Seriously, just give us the option to turn them on and off with a button.
The horn button isn’t being used…
This should have been fixed by now. Seems ignored. I have posted this many times.
All they have to do is add a button that turns on the lights…with that being said, adding a button for that might not be that simple
What are you guys complaining about. You got drift upgrades and social networking support, what more do you expect?
Some acknowledgement that it is still and issue since the update that was supposed to fix this like a year ago would be nice. Investigating would be nice. Something. Anything. Are you there Turn 10???
Normally, it’d be possible to say “it’s difficult to fix”. But the bug has been known for almost a year.
When I saw FH4’s upcoming cars, I decided to stop playing nice with T10, really. It’s clear where their priorities are. All those cars (except the Dakar 959 really) should’ve been in this game instead of Chevy Colorados and RAM 2500s, but they’ve been saved for Horizon as it made the most financial sense. Don’t agree with it, but can’t blame them. If, when the 28th comes, I start FH4 and don’t see any of the connection issues we’ve been seeing in FM7 since the start of the month, that’ll be it for me.
Seems to be a sync issue with lights in multiplayer as well.
Was attempting to do a practice race last night with 2 friends at Sebring at night. I could see my lights, but both of my friends had no lights showing. One friend had lights and could see my lights, but not the other guy’s lights, and the other guy could only see my lights and had none of his own.
Ridiculous that this hasn’t been addressed yet. Is just as damaging to organized racing as the cars disappearing after pitting, but then they haven’t addressed that either. Who cares right? ForzaRC won’t run any night races and doesn’t use pit stops so they won’t pop up and embarrass them in their live streams, so they can just ignore us.