1 Hour + Hot Wheels Off Road Goliath Series. Do 1 Biome at a time or the 1 hr+ all biomes Blueprint

:warning: If you pick the wrong vehicle you will hate this off road goliath series. Suggested vehicle list below. Use 4x4!

This series took hundreds of hours to complete! So much land to cover and issues with props but I was committed. Versions 1-3 are all stand alone tracks so you can do them one at a time and version 4 is all biomes combined into one huge 1hr+ off road Goliath.

:exclamation:Zero Checkpoints in all blueprints - Routes are extremely well marked :exclamation:
Hot Wheels Offroad Goliath V1 (:evergreen_tree:Forest Biome Day) 105 602 282
Hot Wheels Offroad Goliath V1.1 (:evergreen_tree:Forest Biome Night) 213 434 505
:clock1: ETA to Finish line = 20-30 Minutes if you use my suggestions, 30-60 minutes if you don’t and or you’re less experienced.

Hot Wheels Offroad Goliath V2 (:snowflake:Ice Biome Day) 916 683 153
Hot Wheels Offroad Goliath V2.1 (:snowflake:Ice Biome Night) 980 758 425
:checkered_flag: ETA to Finish line = 12-20 Minutes if you use my suggestions, 20-40 minutes if you don’t and or you’re less experienced…

Hot Wheels Offroad Goliath V3 (:cactus:Desert Biome Day) 576 210 558
Hot Wheels Offroad Goliath V3.1 (:cactus:Desert Biome Night) 493 536 025
:clock1: ETA to Finish line = 15-30 Minutes if you use my suggestions, 30-60 minutes if you don’t and or you’re less experienced.

Hot Wheels Offroad Goliath V4 (:earth_americas: ALL Biomes Combined Day)
149 067 001
Hot Wheels Offroad Goliath V4.1 (:earth_americas: ALL Biomes Combined Night)
163 897 075
Hot Wheels Offroad Goliath V4.2 (:earth_americas: ALL Biomes Night Snow/Rain)
874 721 455
:clock1: ETA Finish line = 45 min - 1 hour if you follow my suggestions, 1 hr 30 min - 2 hours if you don’t and or you’re less experienced.
My personal best time is with Brocky - 41:44 Brocky

:warning: Here are some of the vehicles I tested with positive outcomes w/tunes. :warning: If you decide to not use one of these vehicles you’ll have a high chance of having some or major issues completing this track. Funnest and smoothest outcome will be in the Canam or Brocky since that’s what I used to design the series but I was able to complete all blueprint versions with this list while barely needing any pink flag routes :point_down:t3:

:warning: IMPORTANT- Use off road tires, HIGH Power & a HUGE suspension.
All tunes named HW OffRd Goliath
Brocky - 140 342 602, Can-am Maverick - 696 146 855, Derbeti Wrangler Unlimited - 167 279 582, Jeep Trailcat - 124 969 049, Penhall Cholla - 757 344 403, Baja Bone Shaker - 226 018 129, X-Raid John Cooper Works 2018 - 124 850 409, Local Motors Rally Fighter - 117 067 137, Toyota Land Cruiser Arctic At37 - 865 849 707, Toyota Hilux Artctic AT38 - 166 890 052, Class 5 Baja Bug Volkswagon - 116 513 659, Polaris RZR - 654 271 971, Porshe Macan KPR Rally Raid - 115 341 784

Pink flag = alternate route for less experienced drivers or under performing vehicles.
One yellow flag = caution & or slow down a little.
2 yellow flags = SLOW DOWN.

:exclamation:Be ready to be tested :exclamation:

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