xTUG4x Gallery

Hola amigos!!
Welcome to my fh5 gallery photo, here are some pictures that I share with you:

1080i edited with Lightroom.

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the ‘Brocky’ shot is awesome!

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Thanks for the feedback, it’s been a while since I posted on this forum, but it’s true that this horizon 5 is just beautiful and gave me the desire to photograph again!
I also do photography IRL, I’ll post sometime if anyone is interested.

some more:

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I am interested in the IRL stuff. As far as Forza goes, my favorites are shots 1, 3, and 6. I like the grainy film effect as well.

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If you told me that last EVO picture was taken in real life I’d believe it, that is incredible

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Thanks guys!

Some IRL pics:

I love the perspective you capture in your shots! Really beautiful stuff. The one of the homeless people is disheartening but it is very well done, feels like the photo conveys sympathy.

Nice, like the RL stuff