I would like to see the 1992 EG6 Honda Civic hatch back on Forza again can we all make a petition so they can reinstall this nice import honda back is not only good drag but also circuit lets get this done people i cant be the only one dying and waiting for this car again
1992 civic Eg hatch
2000 civic Ek coupe
1995 civic Eg coupe
1995 honda del sol
1989 civic hatch
Yassss why is this not a bigger topic???
I don’t understand why our voices don’t matter we have been asking for this cars for so long now and nothing we want this 1992 eg civic hatch back back is been over 10 years now since you guys took this beautiful beast from us and now we want it back STOP IGNORING US LIKE WE HAVE NO VOICE IN THIS GAME WE ARE THE COSTUMERS WE ARE THE ONE SPENDING OUR MONEY INTO YOUR GAME CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE US BACK THIS CAR PLEASE THANK YOU.
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