XB1 Crashes to Home and gives unearned Rewards.

Hi, Hope someone can help.
I am on the early access and received the rewards I should have sent for long standing etc.
However yesterday after finishing a race I got to the stage where the earnings for that race are given and selected a car, whereupon the screen froze, I heard a weird static sound for a second then the Xbox dumped me back to the Home screen.
On restarting the game I found that suddenly I had 9 rewards awaiting me… I had none that I had placed in there to unlock later… I left them alone and tried another races, same thing happened.
On restarting again the reward count had jumped from 9 to 20!
I found I could only carry on racing if I accepted the rewards and then finished a race exited and came back in.
I’m a little worried now in case any action is taken because I had to accept the rewards I hadn’t earned.
I don’t mind a rollback of data to where I was before the crashing, or even a wipe and start again as long as I get the nice rewards I got for per-purchasing again (although not ideal).
Anything further I should do now to get this sorted out?

Yup, you mean this: Forza Motorsport 7: UNLIMITED MONEY AND FREE CARS GLITCH - YouTube

Yeah… same thing.
The cars and tracks I had raced were different to those on the vid but the end result is the same.
Don’t want to use it as an exploit, as I really don’t want any ban dropped on me.
Thanks for the heads up on that though. At least it isn’t just me!

Yeah. Had the same. Somewhen I realized, I have over 700 rewards to unlock! This destroys the whole balance of the game…

/edit So basically I have done not much racing in the game and now have 596 cars and a car collector level of 36?! Ich can really say, I do not have much to do in the game, because I have seen it all. Who cares for that single player races? If I was able to drive it with my friends, okay. But thats garbage. Private lobbys do not work. If these lobbys would work, you can finally drive with your friends but without the AI. So what is this game for? To be rampaged in hopper sessions? No thank you.