Wolseley Hornet 1961-1969 (Riley Elf)

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Wolseley Hornet & Riley Elf

This Topic is specifically for the saloon version of the Mini, for voting on the standard Mini variants click here.


Note - voting on polls does not substitute for voting on the topic. Make sure to VOTE above the first post to have your interest in this model counted.

Which manufacturer version do you prefer?

  • Wolseley
  • Riley
0 voters

Which version do you prefer?

  • Mk I (1961-1962)
  • Mk II (1963-1965)
  • Mk III (1966-1969)
0 voters

Which body style do you prefer?

  • Saloon
  • Convertible (1966 only)
0 voters

Riley Elf press photo

Wolseley Hornet press photo

There was also a very limited edition built as convertible
Mini & British lifestyle - A 1966 Wolseley Hornet Heinz Convertible on  display at the 'Classic Car & Restoration Show' at Birmingham's NEC. In  1966 Heinz Foods Ltd held a competition for


Because British Leyland was a mess, this was sold as a mini in south africa. All of them are just minis but as a sedan, but in south africa they chose to use the normal mini front end and branding, for some reason. Not sure if this should be included on the pole but its a fun thing to know