Why do we keep coming back?

I didn’t like the direction they chose. Same with Gran Turismo. I am a console gamer.

Because it’s the only open world racing game with half decent physics.

Also the car list is pretty awesome. PGG should be criticised for pilfering the launch list in order to flesh out the early playlist, but even considering that the launch list is leagues better than anything else on the market.


I like lobby racing, meeting people and making up fun rules and series. Just feels like it wants to be a fire suit, gaming rig and helmet esports racer now and these days I could buy a pc for that with tracks I can download and mod in myself if I really wanted to get that deep into it.

The locked cars thing at the start too was also. :nauseated_face:


I feel that the game is starting to lose interest to me because it doesn’t feel much different from fh4. Apart from the updated car lineup, map, tracks, blueprinting, asthetics, and car customization everything else feels the same, the way you earn new series cars is the same, the way you upgrade cars for competitive racing remains the same, plus it doesn’t help that having the festival playlist return makes the games progression and earning new cars feel no different than fh4s style of progression. I was expecting something way different, we got it somewhat. The game to me feels not to far off from just being an bigger expansion to fh4. In short in my opinion the game feels too much like fh4 and that’s what kills my desire to go back to play more. Obviously the issues I mentioned can be fixed and with playground on board I know that they can make it happen for sure. If I were to give some suggestions to make the game better I’d get rid of the festival playlist to make room for replacement features to make earning new cars added with each series update feel way different and exciting, say like completing accolades or participating in stuff promoted with each update (Say an Italian themed update, you get a new exclusive car by competing in 5 online races with an Italian car). Maybe also for serious racers maybe include a new ranked mode with specific car restrictions for each class, say for example for S1 class make it so cars can only have a maximum number of horsepower, restrict some engine swaps like the racing V12 and 8.4 Liter V10, restrict the drivetrain to rwd and ban some op cars if need be. Sort of like homologation in fm7. But yeah those are just my ideas and there’s potential for much more! Go team Forza!


I like to play wearing a black leather mask, chained to a spike, and being whipped with a knotted rope, by a huge woman in a plastic mac.

… That’s why I come back.


The crap PGG pulls to “force” playing time makes me want to “not play”. If they want to entice people to play more they should fix the problems with the game and come up with some new fun things to do in the game rather than repeating FH4.

As the game stands, they could have just brought out the Mexico map as a dlc to FH4, then the Hot Wheels dlc. At least FH4 had fewer bugs.


Take a break and use paragraphs lol

I come back because I love to be frustrated!


So, to summarize: It doesn’t feel much different except for the lengthy list of things that are different which make it feel somewhat way different.


I honestly don’t know why I come back, but have noticed I am coming back less than I was before the seasonal stuff has become meaningless of late, I have got to the point that I’m not that bothered about it anymore, whether this will improve when the hot wheels dlc comes or not I don’t know.


I essentially stopped coming back a couple of weeks ago & haven’t even logged into it since. For me, the continual perpetuation of the weekly “chore list” & the HWs announcement basically exhausted what was left of my interest & tolerance.
The game seems to survive on repeatedly attempting to exploit the player with “exclusive” cars, content, etc., by creating this feeling of dread that you might actually miss out on something if you don’t complete these repetitive & mundane tasks each week. Conversely, those who do invest the time & commit to achievements are devalued by the cheat culture & lack of true oversight. But hey! you might finally get that elusive duck quack horn you’ve always not wanted! :smile:


I come back because it passes the time. Initially I played Eliminator so much I got tired of it, then the Horizon Open update happened, also got tired of that. Now unfortunately, i’m back to Eliminator because Open is broken yet again. The expansion should have been out by now! :unamused::unamused:


No. New cosmetic content (some new cars and a different looking landscape to do the same kind of driving across and new ways to dress up your driver) do not make the game feel super different.

It feels like we’re paying full game price (or ultimate edition price for those of us who went that way) for DLC for a core game experience we’ve played many times already.

At this point I feel like each new game is the equivalent of a roster update in a sports game. I mainly keep coming back so I can use the latest cars from my favorite manufacturers. The changed map locations don’t fundamentally change how we drive/race/play the game.


Tracks/environment and cars are core features of a driving game not just cosmetics. Paying full game price for a core game experience we’ve played before has a name: sequel.

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Is it a sequel? Yeah. A cheap sequel using rehashed broken basics and recycled content with a little bit of new stuff? Yeah. It’s not a rebuilt from the ground up, heavily improved sequel.

The fact that the same underlying bugs and half baked features persist from game to game with NO change shows that the underlying framework is the same.

For example, the fact that gifted special livery cars from the devs never display a proper thumbnail until you do a stupid workaround that you shouldn’t have to do. It’s been this way since at least the last game. Maybe since FH3, I don’t remember.

A lot of the new cars we get as seasonal ‘exclusives’, meant to make us think the game is constantly getting ‘NEW’ content, are just cars we’ve had available in previous games. It’s a bit insulting.

Look at other proper sequels. God of War 1 → God of War (the norse one), the evolution of Assassin’s Creed up to the new open world RPG games, Red Ded Redemption 1 → 2… these sequels actually rebuild and improve the games, they don’t just take the same tired code and insert some shiny new assets to make a pretense at being a sequel.


It’s sort of like Stockholm syndrome.


:smile: so true

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Simply put, because of fear.

They have nerfed the chances of re-acquiring cars that are clearly exclusive in FH5.
For example, these cars are offered less frequently in the Forzaton Shop and Seasonal Championships, and instead their prizes are useless clothes, emotes, horns, and cheap cars that can be purchased at auto shows.
As a result, if we don’t get these cars, all we can do is wait, reload the AH a million times until they are offered, or pay the scalpers.

And the availability of wheelspin and the amount of money you can get has been nerfed, making it difficult to buy those cars on the AH without worrying about money like in the days of FH4 unless you are a scalper.

Now I only come back to this game on Thursdays, the years with the playlist that followed from FH4 exhausted me and made me lose my passion for this game. The only thing that is barely holding me back is fear.
I don’t want to be a scalper as I pride myself on being an automotive enthusiast. So I will probably continue with this style forever.


Fear lol? I don’t know about everyone else but I’m the type of player who unlocks a car then almost always never drives it.

The problem with this game and cars is falling into the mindless trap of having to acquire all cars which they encourage through systems like the weekly chorelist and more recently through wheel spins. So many of us log in each week soley for the weekly chorelist to unlock 2 cars before logging off again. I wouldn’t call this fear though. I would call it addiction/habbit/boredom.

IMO the way we all should be playing this game is the way we want to play it. No matter how you play the game you will almost always accumulate credits along the way which you can then use to buy cars from the auction house that you actually want and will drive. Even better you may unlock many/most through wheel spins, making your credits pointless.

Unfortunately the real problem is having stuff to do in this game that we enjoy. Sure there’s some cool stuff that keeps some of us occupied but they continue to remove endgame content from previous titles leaving us with less each time. Right now the content drought is real and the first bit of content is still weeks away.

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That’s a problem with sequels. Changing the formula can end up being as much if not more ill-received than not changing anything. Even “improvements” - such as the physics/handling in this game - can be controversial. Danged if you do, danged if you don’t.