I am very curious as to why the cars that I put up for auction in the auction house never sell?? I am not stupid and pricing them too high, in fact I have tried selling 50+ cars and have most starting at the lowest amount it will let me and still I haven’t received 1 bid on any of them. I have posted my Horizon Edition M4 for a starting of 200k and seen some sell for over 1m and most go for well over 500k, I have come to the conclusion that the reason is that people are not seeing my auctions and maybe people overpay for the auctions that show up under the “Hot Deals” or “Rare cars” section.
Any advice or knowledge on what is happening would be very helpful as this has become quite frustrating having so many cars in my garage to sort through and not ever use… Thanks!!
Just posting to say that i’m having the same problem. I’ll see a horizon editions of a car going for 500-1mil, so i post mine starting at 200k for 1 hour, I come back in 58 minutes and watch it get 0 bids, yet the others are closing for 800k, 1.1m, 850k and 750k. Mine is set for same class and rating, same skin, etc. I’ve had others where mine is actually higher rating than the others, yet still gets 0 bids when others are selling. So far I’ve only sold 1 car, the monster offroad truck. I ended up getting 3 last night for around 80k, put 1 up for a 12 hour auction, it got 0 bids. Took it down and put 1 up for 1 hour and 1 for 3 hours, someone bought the one posted for 3 hours with the 1 hour ticking down with 0 bids…the only thing that seems to make sense is when you go into the auction house, you see a select group of cars, not everything. I have no idea, its very confusing and frustrating.
In Forza Motorsport 4 (the last time the Auction House was implemented and widely used), cars auctioned off by VIP users would appear first on the car list, above those that weren’t VIP and ending at the same time. This in turn meant that a VIP auction was more visible than a Standard auction, thus giving it a better chance of selling.
[Update: A hotfix was issued on Monday evening which no longer prioritised VIP cars at the top of Auction House listings.]
The cars you are auctioning off may also be a factor. If nobody is looking for the type of car you’re selling, then they’re not going to bid on yours when you put it up. A Holden Maloo for example will have a hard time getting sold on the Auction House as it is a car that many people get for free when they start playing.
Yes, the auction house works like the one in Forza 4, you have your VIP and then the standard auctions. The standard auctions barely get any looks at all. I also have been compiling a spreadsheet for the cars that you probably can pick up for a tenth of the cost, but those cars are probably ones you wouldn’t want to sell because there is a plethora of them on the auction house and the value of those cars is naught so to speak.
There are simply too many people selling their horizon edition cars, because they see other players making sht ton of money. For other regular cars, not many people are interested in them. I tried to auction my R8 with 60k upgrade and 80k tune for 50k minimum bid and no one bid on it, but I see other people selling stock Aventadors with lots of people biding.
I think it comes down to the fact that popular cars get the most attention, most people don’t even look twice at cars such as R8 which is competitive with some Lamborghini.
*I don’t know why that tune cost 80k, but I bought it anyway, then I hated it, because it was too over kill and I couldn’t control it what so ever. Completely ruined my R8
That one makes sense. I’ve seen a lot of VIPs buying the non-VIP HE Editions for 200-300k and immediately reselling and getting 400-600k profit per car. I did take advantage (sorry… not really) to complete my HE cars collection.
wow, I get the VIP access having a select group of cars that others do not have, but getting priority listings in the auctions? That seems like a flat out money grab, pay to win type thing. At least with the exclusive cars, there are other comparable ones just usually for more money. Not being able to sell your car, or selling it only to see it get flipped for 2-3x the price is just screwing you over. How do you tell VIP vs non-VIP auctions? Or does this matter now with the change AngrySmores mentioned?