Who's judging these contests?!?!

For the FM4 Wk 109 photo contest I posted my picture “StealthVan” and it got Most Downloaded and Highest rated of the week. What I don’t understand is how the community loved it so much, but I didn’t even place in the contest or even get and honorable mention. It seems like every week you choose the same people who’ve won in previous contests and the winners photos don’t seem to stand out among the rest of the entries when it comes to the weekly contest. Do you just pick them by random or have a certain criteria for what a perfect photo is?? I mean come on turn 10, I’ve spent countless days playing your games and tens of thousands miles driving and yet I still can’t get a unicorn car, but people who don’t give a [Mod edit - WSD. Profanity] seem to be getting unicorns left and right.

where are you seeing the list of who won? I cant find the list of winners?

In the community events section here - http://forums.forza.net/turn10_topics3_Community-Events.aspx

"Submission Judging

All submissions will be coordinated into one large gallery and blindly judged by members of Turn 10."


“If you placed (1st, 2nd or 3rd) in the week before you cannot enter this week. Honorable mentions are more than welcome to compete again.”