Which Forza Horizon intro cinematic is the most appealing?

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I’ve linked a video (not my own) which contains the intro cinematic for every Forza Horizon title thus far.

If each of these titles were revealed afresh as part of the Xbox Showcase, which title would you be most excited to play (based purely on the intro cinematic)?

  • Forza Horizon
  • Forza Horizon 2
  • Forza Horizon 3
  • Forza Horizon 4
  • Forza Horizon 5

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Based solely on the opening cinematics - the first two games. And ultimately FH2 has been my least favourite of the series.

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who is voting for Horizon 5? It doesn’t even have any cars lmao

The music plays a part for me too which is why FH4 + 5’s have never gave me any excitement, even though no FH intro music is likely to ever be the sort of stuff I listen to I find the past 2 games’ both incredibly boring songs.

Had to vote FH1 for the perfect mix of scenery, the music and your character looking out over the horizon.