When playing world tour, can you go back and look at your times during a race done?

I just raced a few during the world tour and I didn’t see anywhere at the end where I could see my lap times. Does it save those? I’m trying to toggle through stats and stuff and don’t see anything like that.

Thank you for your help!

it should say race results when you are finished with the race. I believe its at the very bottom. btw. im not sure its been a while since iv played single player but im pretty sure I saw it on there.

I’ll look at the bottom next time but I wasn’t seeing them. It would go directly to that screen that shows how much credits your earned and affinity and all that. But I didn’t see lap times. Plus, I can’t find anywhere that you can go in and pull them up again.

The only way to see the race results after is to go into the leaderboard and pick the track and class you were racing which will show you your standings against the world.