Wheel Controls - Not enough buttons, can't add keyboard

I’m trying to map my wheel buttons with a Custom Wheel Profile.

I’m using an old Logitech WingMan Formula Force GP wheel, which still works perfectly fine with other games (Like F1 2018).
For the Accelerate, Brake, Steering and some other options i have enough buttons. But i can’t map the other (less importent) buttons, like Switch Camera, to my keyboard.
I can go to a max of 8 buttons. (Accelerate, Brake, Gear Up, Gear Down, and 4 buttons on the wheel)

Is there an option to make a profile with my wheel and keyboard combined?
I’m gaming from my PC.

Thanks for helping!

In short no.

It is a stupid system in that there are numerous functions that have to be assigned to the controller whether you can also use the default keyboard command for it or not.
If you leave one of these minor commands unassigned it will not let you save the layout.
It is totally pathetic design.

On my G25 I cannot assign stuff to buttons I want to as I run into this stupid system, and I have more buttons than you do.

I finally settled on a layout saved it, all working well apart from the onscreen prompts to push this or that button for a function do not match my wheels buttons at all.

Button 1 on my wheel comes up as button 8 prompt. the four directions on the thumb pad come up as buttons 27 to 30.

I sent in a bug report and they came back it is like that as per design, whoever designed that system needs to have a rethink and learn how games work.

Any other game even simple ones use what you assigned as the prompt not some random scheme an idiot thought up.

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