What happened to all the drift replicas?

Back in the day (older FM games) you could go to the storefront and have no problem finding many great quality drift paints from series like D1. I’m having a hard time finding good paints in FH3, not sure if it’s simply because the SF is the worst designed thing in the history of our universe, or people just aren’t uploading/making them any more?

If you guys know of anyone who uploads real life drift replicas, i’d love to know.

Thanks folks :slight_smile:

just gotta read forums and tag as favs when you find them also in game follow favs and youll see there work first if they have something for the cars your searching for. my best answer

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Search for the gamertag “SoloFelines” he does a lot of Japanese D1 Style paints

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As a guy who used to do a bunch of those D1 replicas back in the FM3/4 days, I can say there was a lot of frustration involved with drift replicas. The source material was hard to come by in some cases, the paints tend to be super complex, and honestly a lot of them just didn’t sell very well.

Here’s a few of them from FM3

NAC RX7 by Alex, on Flickr

Here’s another reason - these things were heartbreaking with mirror-glitches and unpaintable spots. A bunch of these still exist, too.

D1GP S14 by Alex, on Flickr

FD RX7 by Alex, on Flickr
Layer limits were a problem, too - see how the Maxxis logo isn’t metallic? I think that’s not as much of an issue now.


D1GP 350Z by Alex, on Flickr

D1GP S15 by Alex, on Flickr