Week In Review - 4-3-15

Hello there Forza fans and thanks for joining me for another installment of the Week in Review. We’ve got a jam-packed installment for you today with details of our upcoming #ForzaFriday on Twitch with Johniwanna, an awesome pictorial update from the show floor at the New York Auto Show, red carpet updates from Mechberg direct from the Furious 7 movie premiere in Hollywood, plus lots, lots, more!

Great to see the week in reviews still coming, Helios.

Just two questions; why no mention about the April DLC car pack? I don’t expect a clue thread at this point but has this DLC been pushed back/cancelled?

DLC is coming next week but no clue thread this time. Stay tuned for the announce :slight_smile:


Hype level over 9000!
I didnt expected that ! Now im more hyped than the others dlc´s , they should add more 2014-2015 cars on those dlc´s

Could next months dlc be the pre order car helios (;

Thanks for the update, Ian.

That was pretty cool, but for the love of gourd, please pass the word to the XBL video department’s director and/or editor to stop cutting to side views of Larry - it makes him look like a news anchor who forgot to look at which camera has the red light on.

No plans to see FnF after playing the game - sorry, not my cup of tea - but great that it featured not only some fun cars, but highlighted a charity with a great aim - personally I’m more for charitable tie-ins to games than commercial ones, but that’s not a complaint about FH2:FnF - any excuse to drive is welcome.

Anyhow, colour me intrigued by the next DLC …

Thanks Ian!


Ah, the Fiat S76. I love that thing like I love me some Subarus, but unlike said Subarus, I don’t know why. But still, a 28.5L 4-Cylinder. The bores on that engine must be the size of bowling balls. Really glad to see it running :slight_smile:

Also looking forward to whatever DLC is announced soon!

Great article! As for the Furious 7 movie, I’m planning on seeing it on Monday, as this weekend is intended to be packed at the theater (at least where I’m at) and there’s a good chance it will be sold out; I’ve been looking forward to this movie! I guess my suspicions of the April DLC being a April fool’s prank went bust, which is good thing. Man, I do wish we had New York’s auto show here in SC, the Greenville auto show that was put on back in January was a bit of a disappointment in terms of number of manufacturers and certain cars.

No clue thread makes be excited that the F&F cars may be making their way into Horizon 2.

God I hope I can modify that Supra. I need to have that front lip in my life. Also that 70 Roadrunner is fine.

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Still want to see the One:1, G63 6x6, Ariel Nomad, any 2014/15 AMG Mercedes and the Charger/Challenger Hellcat