Hello there Forza fans and thanks for joining me for another installment of the Week in Review. We’ve got a jam-packed installment for you today with details of our upcoming #ForzaFriday on Twitch with Johniwanna, an awesome pictorial update from the show floor at the New York Auto Show, red carpet updates from Mechberg direct from the Furious 7 movie premiere in Hollywood, plus lots, lots, more!
Great to see the week in reviews still coming, Helios.
Just two questions; why no mention about the April DLC car pack? I don’t expect a clue thread at this point but has this DLC been pushed back/cancelled?
That was pretty cool, but for the love of gourd, please pass the word to the XBL video department’s director and/or editor to stop cutting to side views of Larry - it makes him look like a news anchor who forgot to look at which camera has the red light on.
No plans to see FnF after playing the game - sorry, not my cup of tea - but great that it featured not only some fun cars, but highlighted a charity with a great aim - personally I’m more for charitable tie-ins to games than commercial ones, but that’s not a complaint about FH2:FnF - any excuse to drive is welcome.
Ah, the Fiat S76. I love that thing like I love me some Subarus, but unlike said Subarus, I don’t know why. But still, a 28.5L 4-Cylinder. The bores on that engine must be the size of bowling balls. Really glad to see it running
Also looking forward to whatever DLC is announced soon!
Great article! As for the Furious 7 movie, I’m planning on seeing it on Monday, as this weekend is intended to be packed at the theater (at least where I’m at) and there’s a good chance it will be sold out; I’ve been looking forward to this movie! I guess my suspicions of the April DLC being a April fool’s prank went bust, which is good thing. Man, I do wish we had New York’s auto show here in SC, the Greenville auto show that was put on back in January was a bit of a disappointment in terms of number of manufacturers and certain cars.