We want more statistics, data in multiplayer

The featured multiplayer mode is great, leaving out certain details that I won’t mention here. But we are players who love to compete with our friends and other people, we like to brag about how many pole positions we have done, how many times we have won a race. How many 2nd, 3rd place races. We want history of our races, faster times, when we win and lose scores, etc. We want tables to see how we are doing worldwide or simply with our friends. In licenses, races won, races done, etc.


Hope this is coming!
Only Racing without this is boring !


Absolutely need statistics. Podium finishes/collisions per race/clean races/miles driven/avg finish pos. Lfilter all by class car etc. its a big missing component for me


Consider that the game doesnt even have a leaderboard for tracks.

Why is everyone hiding details in this day and age with games.

Statistics are important to people. Im not winning races but id like to see statistics.

A lot of developers are guilty of hiding info from us these days. People who are offended by not liking statistics just need to move a side.


We don’t even see the safety rating or driver skill on the cards before the races lol.

It’s appalling how much of the basics are missing from this release.

No stats whatsoever. I guess it was overlooked in the 6 years development?


Yes this is a major oversight. I got a couple of pole positions yesterday and my first win, is this saved anywhere so if they do belatedly bring in a stats page, it will include those? I can’t understand the mentality in this company that they make the most obtuse decisions so often. If you don’t know about racing game basics, hire someone who does know! Look at how other games do it. Where is the talent and the attention to detail?

There is the option to look at the other drivers on the grid, at this point it could show us how many races they’ve played, how many poles and wins they have. I don’t care about their driver level and colour, this stopped being meaningful (if it ever was) since Forza brought in the ill-conceived prestige system.


At the very minimum have a leaderboard for each playlist for skill, and have an overall skill leaderboard with assists listed. Just a bare minimum addition to the featured playlist tab. Also showing the ranks of friends would be nice too.

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Because everyone is obsessed with min/maxxing snd if they dont have a perfect record of 1st places they dont have fun. Its racing, treat it as such. Aim for a clean race top 10 and enjoy the podiums when they come.

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Yeah getting wrecked because you have no clue who you are racing and how terrible they are so you can avoid them is totally having fun.

A Motorsport game developed by people who have no interest or understanding of Motorsport was always doomed to fail.

They just added VIP or Ultimate player icons after the player ID, not SR and technical ratings. I mean, this is meaningless. I don’t care if they are VIP or not. :rofl: