Located a mere 48 hours from the Baja 1000, back in 2017, the Hoonigan crew purchased the cheapest Baja buggy they could find, a beat-up 1973 Volkswagen Beetle fittingly named the ‘Scumbug’ that cost them only $2,500! After a complete teardown to replace the worn out and broken parts, the car was significantly overhauled and rebuilt to follow the Baja 1000 from the chase roads. You can witness the journey of restoring this car to its former glory documented in a lighthearted series on the Hoonigan YouTube channel. With grippy tires made to take on the toughest terrain, a large flat drag racing spoiler to keep aerodynamics in check for the off-road action, upgraded fog lights for maximum visibility and a spectacular eye-catching orange gloss finish, the ‘Scumbug’ is undoubtedly one of Hoonigan’s most unique and respected project vehicles ever.