after 1 week buying fm7 , Nothing days without problem.

for 100€ is scandalous.

I trusted you

you provide a half finished beta game.

in 1 week, I had to uninstall the game, then reinstall it, played 3h in racing and again it bugue

I ask for repair because it is not normal

More details would help Turn 10 a lot,

what system you play on? xbox or PC
What are your PC specs in case…
what settings do you run?
what are your issues? game crashes? graphical glitches? missing content?

Be specific so developers can do something about.

I know! We can make a poorly written forum post accosting Turn 10 while at the same time not giving any of the relevant info that could help them get my problems sorted! That should really light a fire under them the fix the game!


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Yes, am sorry error category posting this message but:

no past one session without problem:

-graphical crashes, circuit track and scenery disappearing in public racing

-not song in racing

-frozen screen

-offset start in public race and private

-during a career resumption, in the pre-race menu, the race does not load and the liveries either, even after leaving the game and having restarted.

-in the painting room, the decalco in the bar disappears for ten seconds, impossible to recognize

My system: XBOX one

I think the crossplay between several platforms although it is a great idea on paper, is a bad idea in practice, indeed the different configurations of the machines causes too many calculations for your servers to you, and creates problems on the multiplayer , I take for example with my friends who plays the PC with whom this always creates problems in session.

it is before leaving the game that you have to check it on large scales, it is super painful, it feels like guinea pigs especially players who bought the ultimate version for 100 €.

if I add to all this stupidity added or removed in the background, your game is completely missed.

and I think go on Project Car2