Very poor optimization and performance in PC (Game pass)

I think it’s due to the fact that UWP apps are potato in general. At least it’s what I’ve found out searching the web for possible solutions. I’d say that the steam version just suffers from the poor performance the game has in general. For several people the stuff from the UWP apps worsens this times 2.

At the moment the only fix for me is the “unofficial” patch (crack) which wires something in the system that nearly doubles my fps.

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actually got same problem and i wondering how bad this game is at first days off, i also having big issue with controller i tried classic xbox S controller and its laggy as hell few races i had no problem but then it start lagging and im in middle of corner and my wheel just turn in base position and i crash in split second its like controller goes off for not even one milisecond but that is enough for crash and then it recconect and i have to restart whole game i tried ps5 controller with DualSenseX program and its even worse its randomly disconecting i cant even press buttons in menu with controller i have to use keyboard for that (same for xbox controller) its really sad how AAA game can look and how it can be so badly optimized and even more after THEY told its their masterpiece ^^

So for me, most performance issues (not quite all) are gone as of AMD’s latest driver 23.10.1.

Laguna Seca seems to run at a locked 60fps now.
Nurburg still has a drop to 45fps at the first corner, bottom of the hill, just as you turn passed bollards on the outside of the track. A part from that, it seems to run at a solid 60fps too.

Not tested them all as of yet but it’s definitly a good improvement. I havent enabled Multithreading again yet but it’s bed time :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thanks. Will check it later today. Amd here too with same problems.

Edit: Somewhat better but still buggy. Mid ohio is my benchmark. Still drops at certain corners, no graphic setting has any effect (except maybe rt) and a nice little bonus shader optimization in every launch. lol.
Run benchmark once: 60fps solid
ryzen 7 5700x, rx 6800, 32g 3200 ram, pcie2 nvme ssd.
Gpu runs on pcie3. Windows 10. Gamepass version.

So I’ve done a little more testing…

Silverstone works fine now but wasn’t too bad before

Mid Ohio has several corners that still suffers drops.

Turing RT Off helps a little bit ( I didn’t see any corruption when it was on) but the drops happen at very specific places & are normally quite breif.

Digital Foundary found that there were frame spikes when crossing certain sections of tracks, which they speculated may have been down to loading bits and bobs at certain points.

This sounds about right to me because before the driver update & after, I find changing the ingame settings make very little difference to performance on any track. If I’m hitting a constant 60fps locked, I can turn them up or down with out difference but that’s the same for where I do get drops. I can put everything on low and still see the same drops. The only option that makes any difference is RT & it only minimizes the drops as they still happen no matter what it’s set to.

Changing options has no effect. It’s a glitch not a performance issue.

Another thing about the Driver update, now everytime I start the game I go through the shader optimizer which takes a good few minutes :s

Yeah I’ve got above the “ideal” rig for ultra RT off. (7800x3d, nitro+7900XTX) And it STILL dips below 60 on many tracks. Low GPU utilization. Low temps. It’s an unoptimized game and I unfortunately missed my window to refund. Disappointed is an understatement. Maybe I’ll come back and play it after updates in a year while they try to release the next unoptimized game that I won’t be purchasing.


I get no change in performance when shifting from auto with rt off to medium rt off everything else on auto or set to low, to everything set to low. I always get the same result. If it’s anything it’s consistant. & yes, from reading other posts, I think it will be a hard fix as it’s not just one thing.

I’m only running 1080p here & according to the table I shold be good at 1440p with everything on high.

About 60% to 70% tracks run with no dips the rest have drops to about 45fps at several points on tracks, always on a corner :smiley:

With the new AMD drivers performance is a lot better (ignoring shader compilation at every start) but as I say I don’t think it’s a performance issue. You get the same drops on the same corners, to the same degree if your on the track by yourself or if there are 24 cars in front, no matter the weather condition, lighting etc. I’d say the chart is probably accurate but some of the tracks need tweaking, or the Shader compilation is either incomplete or borked.

All that said, it’s a fun game & reminds me of happy times playing Gran turismo 2 back in the day. If you know where the drops are it’s not unplayable, it’s just a bit of a shame.

For me it’s only a stop gap play while I wait for WRC as I’m more of a Rally guy in general but if they fix the issuses I can imagine playing it quite a bit more.

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Indeed. I’ve been getting this issue where after a while. The top of my screen starts flickering in all menus. In race menus, in main menus, everywhere but on the track racing.

50% of the time the screen switching to a car on the grid or in the pits has it invisible besides the 4 wheels. Then popping in seconds later. Not the worst, Know a few other games where thats normal. But it definitely adds to the unpolished feel.

I have to agree that FM doesn’t run the best with default settings but I’ve got it running pretty good on a 3 year old PC with an i7 running at 4.00ghz, an Nvidia 1080ti 11gb, 16gb ram and installed on an M2 SSD. I have set the Graphics to FPS Unlocked at 1440p, every other advanced option on Medium, no RT on my card so that’s obviously off, blur off. In Test Drive I get 80-100fps and in a race 60-80fps. I know I haven’t exactly got a 4K Ultra experience but personally I’m more interested in car control than eye candy. More FPS = less lag = better car control. I’m sure things will improve with future updates, unfortunately it’s becoming the norm to release unfinished software followed by years of updates. Microsoft Flight Simulator is a good example. In case you’re wondering, no I don’t work for Turn 10, give it time to develop, I’m enjoying FM despite all the issues.

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The color thing has actually been an issue as far back as I can remember. Its very rare when you’re scrolling through most menus. But I’ve definitely seen it a few times in FM7. Havent seen it yet here.

See I’m the opposite. FM is running fine on my rig. One of my friends though, who had little to no issue with FH5, is experiencing crashes every hour or so.

FH5 was a nightmare for me, for months. Crashed every 20 minutes on max settings, every three to five hours with the settings turned down. Three to five covers a lot of gaming sessions, but it’s still unacceptable.

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So I tried turning Multithreading back on but again, that only made performance worse.

Oh and I forgot to mention, the game is installed on a Gen4 M.2 nvme in a Gen4 M.2 slot so that’s not the issue.

Again I’m leaning on under utilization of the CPU as the main problem in my case. With multithreading on I get 45% max utilization, with multithreading off it gets to 65% in game (70% when in a loading screen). Changing the process priority makes no difference either.
Interestingly I saw an old article about Forza Motorsport 7 & it’s over reliance on single core performance & I wonder if it’s a quirk of the engine.

For the record, the game has not crashed once for me. The cars look fine on the track. The Gpu is running fine after the latest AMD Drivers, ignoring the Shader complication at every game start.

Next thing I’m trying is moving the game to a Gen3 M.2 Nvme, slower I know but still meets recommended specs and might make a difference.

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Yeah but the frame rate drops happen on more corners and are bigger with the older drivers. So, dammed if I do, dammed if I don’t .

Moving game to the Gen3 M.2 just made load times slower :smiley:

Time to quit and do something else at this point.

“No Game Ready Driver & no Game Update makes P00ky a dull boy”

As I’ve previously said I get the frame drops no matter what settings I use. Always on the same corners on the same tracks. It’s not a graphics performance issue.

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They “built it from the ground up” but managed to keep it single threaded. The way T10 (or maybe XGS is the real culprit) have neglected their PC playerbase in every aspect of this release is shameful.

I have a top tier system and what I can confirm is this. If you change the graphics without quitting the game then the frame rate will tank, no matter what setting you use. You have to quit the game and restart it in order for the changes to take effect properly and get proper frames back. 75fps 1440p on Ultra normal, change the setting without a restart and it will drop to 25fps and stutter. Given the history of Turn 10 they will never acknowledge any issue and may or may not fix it about 3 years. Also, whomever says that a Gamepass game is somehow magically different from a Steam version of the same game needs to take a long walk in the woods and sort themselves out.

Having being a Xbox user since the first ever Xbox, i am absolutely shocked and disgusted at this release, to the degree that i have signed up to post my thoughts.

WotTF are Turn10 and Microsoft playing at with regards to this release, its awful. How has this taken 6 years?!

I booted up AC & AMS2 after my latest crash of FM and those mentioned titles are literally HUGELY better in every department.

FM feels and looks like a game from 2010, that doesnt work properly.


Hi! just checked and there is a 23.10.2 on amd website. I am downloading them now. The check for updates from adrenaline don’t show anything though. Also. I just saw a 2.2gb update for the forza game! Gonna check them both and report back.

No change to needing to optimize shaders on every launch.