Update 10 - Free Play track load time bug

I will use these terms:

  • normal load time = 10-15 seconds
  • long load time = 1-2 minutes

Since the Update 10 a few days ago, the first track when entering free play has a long load time. It happens on both quick and advanced setup.

After the first race, continuing to the next track is back to normal load time.

If I quit back to the main menu and then go into free play again, long load time.

Playing on a Windows 10 PC via Xbox app.

edit: not getting this problem anymore, in update 11, not sure if it was fixed or something else is different because I had to reinstall the game

This is happening for a while now so it is not specific to this update. There is also a similar bug freezing the loading wheel after an event finishes and force you to wait for a long time…

It’s possible I didn’t notice it before, but I don’t think I had it until this update. I haven’t been playing constantly, but when I do, I’m often leveling cars in Free Play (to tune and race them in open multiplayer). I noticed the load time was way longer as soon as I went to test the proximity radar.

This happens in career too. Just noticed after patch 10

Disable drivatar livery.

For some reason they keep on re-enabling this setting.