Ultima GTR variants 1999-2016

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Ultima GTR 1999-2016

This topic is for variants other than the 2012 Ultima GTR 720 already in FH5.

This model has also appeared in Forza games as the:

  • 2012 Ultima GTR (FM4 to FH1)

By the way its not the GTR 720 that we have in horizon 5 its the 1020 coupe we dont have any ultima gtr’s in horizon 5 at all the last one one was seen in a horizon title was either 1 or 2 maybe 3 but all i know is that the one we have in horizon 5 is not a gtr its just a normal 1020 coupe

The GTR 720 was also in FM6 and in FH4 and FH5 the GTR 720 was not in those games, the Evolution Coupe 1020 was.


Wasn’t the GTR 750 part of the Hot Wheels Expansion in FH3?

No, but in FM5 it was part of the Alpinestars Pack