UK police BMW

Check my paint job

Good technique, with the door shut lines and creases and the pattern on the fluorescent yellow.

However, a normal “full Battenburg” has seven blocks across and two down, with the fluorescent yellow at top left and right. It’s not a criticism, I made the same mistake when I first started painting. There will also be so called “Chapter 8” orange and yellow chevrons on the rear (point goes upwards) plus a yellow outline around the side profile, which you’ve got. Like a lot of time painting liveries, it leads you down a rabbit hole of finding out more, which I find is one of the pleasures of painting!

Anyway, welcome to the paint booth :slight_smile:

Similar real life example:

^Like he said you might want to clean it up a little but it’s not a bad start. It’s nice to see new painters come about.

You might want to embed your photos and also provide a little more description as you grow your thread.

Nice texture to the reflectant vinyl btw.
As per the other comments, have a good study of real cars as you’ll notice how many panels and more importantly shapes the workshops guys use.
Reflective vinyl is very thick hence odd shapes and cuts which the thick vinyl won’t take too.
See the shape in front of the front wheel arch for example…

policetaxi1 by ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT, on Flickr