VOTE on this topic above the title to indicate your interest in any variant of this model generation for both Horizon and Motorsport games. Add your details below to specify model year, body type, performance trim, or other related info about the cars you’re requesting.
Affectionately referred to as a Буханка (Bukhanka) in Russian which means Loaf/Bread Loaf for its looks.
Very long lasting Off-road Van that’s still in production today with minor updates.
The Green one is a 1970 Model while the Orange is a 2020 Expedition Version

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Legendary Buchanka. I believe this is one of the best things Russia gave the world alongside certain weapon.
Thought out the history it served many different purposes from Ambulance and small utility truck to van for carrying people and goods.

Given the rally car expansion, this would make a great addition based on this alone.