Tuning is still too expensive

I was in a private “trackday/Trackmeet” session with my brother online in this game. I Had about 350.000 Cr.
We both tuned 3 cars in the session And drove them on Nordschleife.
When we quit the multiplayer session i only had 50.000 Cr. Left…
Do turn10 really think that this is fun!
Grinding is for Free 2 Play games, not AAA title’s like forza motorsport, that i bought a physical disc version for full price.
The forza games before had much better Payout and rewards than this game.

Got a tiny hope when Turn10 apologized to the fanbase, before the changes of the games bad economy.
Now, i dont know if i have any trust left when they again and again still doing stuff like this.

Is Chris Esaki still working at Turn10, why do we a radio silence/No “real” updates from the devs at all?
Have they lost it and dont care anymore?

Im so tired of this…

It does not cost 300k to tune three cars.

Do you own the most expensive version with VIP, that you get twice the money per race as the owners of the standard edition.

The most money i ever had was about 350.000Cr in the game.
I get 15.000 Credits A race. Thats not enough for me.

If you buy 3 cars and upgrade them it does cost that much.