Tuning Cheevos

I have been trying to get this last tuning cheevo for the last few days and when I signed on today I got a message for the tuning rewards and I did not get any credits for the rewards. I just want to get this cheevo and be done with putting tuning setups on this game I never did it for the 2 and 3.

I feel the same way, these tuning achievements are a pain. I think someone has to race with your tune a minimal of 100 races in a day to earn you credits. the day ends at midnight gmt time.

I got another question whats the difference between Freelace and Pro Status for the credits earned I msn yur putting turning setup up to earn credit y r they doing freelace

You can do this yourself by creating a 2nd account and using your own tune/design. 1 use is equal to a 1 race (it only has to be 1 lap) or 1 heat in drag mode. You need about 50-100 uses per day to get paid. “Do the math” and you’ll get the GS.