Trackday Toys Event This Sat @ 8pm GMT

Hi all,

Team Cr3ATiViTY are hosting a Trackday Toys event on FM5 this Sat @ 8pm GMT. We will be doing a few multiclass trackdays (A and R) and also a few races in both classes. You may bring any car that would fit in at a trackday. If you would like to join in pls send me (Woody1725) a MSG or comment below.



Sounds like some fun, I love to drive lol

add me yo boy roooster and invite me on saturday/?

Ill come run the Caterham if theres room

I’ve sent you all friend requests. Hope to see you on Sat!



Sounds like a lot of fun! Ill try to be there

Friend request sent RomeoDanger. Hopefully you can join us.