Trabant 1.1 1990-1991

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Trabant 1.1 was a hopeless attempt of saving once beloved people’s car from Eastern Germany and modernising it in order to keep it competitive against its rivals in class.

Trabant known more than well that the days of old 2 stroke 2 cylinder engines are counted.

So they back in 1983, IFA (owner of Trabant name) turned to VW with the request of getting VW’s help in finding a new heart for their small car.

More precisely, they were interested in VW’s Water cooled Inline 4s from EA111 line-up.

IFA got needed governmental approval the year after that (in 1984). From that moment, they were allowed to be building licenced 4 vylinders for Trabant (1.1) and larger 1.3 (for Wartburg).