#TorbenTuesday = ThorbenThursday upcoming May content clues

My final guess re the blue text is “jungle book” but I have no idea how that relates to the game…

according to the curve and newtons law I prepare for some very very massive jumps


Actually, me too, but I do miss the new Ferraris more. For some reason I really like the way the mid engine Ferraris drive in this game. Just a nice amount of oversteer. They feel nice and lively to me. I would not mind some of their new cars in the game.


Next one:
2022-04-22 (7)

The Equation For The Magnitude Of Torque Is τ = rF Sin(θ)

this maybe refers to the midair rotation adjust with brake und throttle like we have with the 4Runner?
Would be cool if all cars get this…

makes sense with those massive less-gravity jumps


It’s all pretty ambiguous, to get people guessing, all part of the hype to try and keep people interested and talking about the game.

Maybe Japanese Kei cars?

Honestly I prefer this than most of the ways games try to build hype. I could still be cynical about it, but hey, at least they got us thinking.

Better than a trailer for a trailer or a lot of the other marketing detritus out there.


It looks like July Landmark. Probably the new DLC.

What if the entire board is describing the exciting new emotes yet to come?
The suspense is killing me.


Maybe electric engine swaps? One of the key elements of electric engines is huge amounts of (never ending) torque.

Talking it over with a friend, the top chart is likely a lateral G chart. The chart below the gravitational equation could be an airflow chart. Both are pointing at m2 in the equation, and the arrow pointing at G could say “LoL” as in laughing at the gravitational constant. So I’m thinking either new aero parts or a car with tons of aero.


The ‘landmark’ is written in the same colour as some sort of hastily drawn ehh… rectangular cuboid (?) at the end of the four pictures.
With the AUTUMN->WINTER->SPRING written under it (and the start of the series written above it) I presume the 4 pictures are related to the 4 seasons.
2 things:

  1. It wouldn’t be surprising if we got some interesting thing (DLC?) at the end of the fourth season or in Series 8
  2. Is there any way we can relate the pictures to anything? Maybe car releases for each week…?

I think with the Heritage theme of the next season the 1932 Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Spider for the horse and one of Alfieris Maseratis (250F, Tipo Birdcage or 300 S) seem very likely. If I’m not mistaken they all were already in Forza.

The main thing working against that is the fact that they don’t have the rights to Alfa Romeo. It’s clear it was a licensing issue with Stellantis (?) as two Lancias were featured in pre-launch material.

The issue could be resolved, which would be huge, but I didn’t see any other indication on the board that was the case. Still, Mitsubishi came back a while after the launch of 4 with little indicating their return, so there is still hope, but I would advise tempering said hope.

A seasonal landmark in Mexico could be the Monarch butterfly reserves. One of those drawings below could be a (very poor drawing of a) butterfly. Only thing is they’d be there during winter, not summer.

Maybe a landmark Island DLC? Where different wonders appear each season.

[Edit - we do not allow leaks or unsubstantiated rumors on the forums - MM]

Well that’s abit of a spoiler for this thread…

This is a strange hill I’m dying on, because I still dont get why we have so many 1998 Le Mans GT1 cars except the Panoz and Toyota. :no_mouth: Cool, another Audi.

None of those fit l’ingegnere or cavallino rampante really.
MC20, F8, SF90, 296?
AMG GT Black, 992 GT3 better than another Audi 4d. :person_shrugging:t2:

Eh, I’d take any leaks with a grain of salt. There are plenty of YouTubers out there spreading fake leaks.