Top Gear Is . .

Top Gear is the most annoying of all, OF ALL, the Horizon story modes.
All the hear is Stig this Stig THAT. Like what the STIG!
I couldn’t wait to get 3 stars on all the challenges and forget about that annoying announcer.

I’m sorry to the devs who spent time making it but the Top Stig is stigging 3/10 for me. Just way to annoying and the challenges were meh.

Does anyone else think that it was annoying?


Haven’t gone past the first chapter yet. Difficulty rather than dialogue put me off.

Do a 180 and drive the other way to the festival, just keep checking the map for which route to take, 3 stars is easily achievable, the clue is in the intro, something about The Stig not following the rules or something like that :slight_smile:

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That was the first thing I tried when it became apparent the given route wouldn’t work at all. Came up several seconds short every time. Then I followed a route someone else suggested that immediately went left over the dam. With that one I kept falling prey to the 90mph requirement.

Turning left at the bridge shouldn’t be too hard to keep above 90mph you may be braking too early, or too hard. These Xbox analogue controllers allow for soft braking too.

It’s not the left over the dam, or the left on the other side, but the right after that which requires hard braking then trying to get to 90 up a hill within the time limit. I had to retry that several times, and a car kept showing up right at that turn to make it worse. When I finally got up that hill at speed, a following left killed me. I’ll eventually give it another shot, but the whole setup is frustrating and just not at all enjoyable for me. If not for the 6x6 - and to a lesser extent the Track-tor - I’d just completely ignore it. I suspect I’ll have an easier time of it if I sully my experience by putting it on Manual shifting.

I did it with auto shifting and TCS on, mainly because I’m rubbish,… I did a 180, turned right over the bridge, straight on up the dirt road (hence TCS on, otherwise slippy slidey Elise), then joined the tarmac again at the end, from there, it’s a straight(ish) run to the festival, I did it with around 4 or 5 seconds to spare iirc

I fell far short of the 3-star target on my first try, but at the end, the announcer dropped a major hint. I got within 5 seconds of the 3-star target on my 2nd attempt, then won handily on my 3rd try.

They’re not that difficult, but they’re very trial-and-error. Instead of testing your skill at driving, you’re just expected to figure out the trick in each one, then retry and do the trick.

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Great first story have completed in one sitting.


No I thought it was the best story, and I don’t even watch Top Gear… although I do like drifting now, so the Drift stories are good too.


I didn’t know what The Stig was either. I looked it up. It’s basically their stunt driver. A contractually anonymous pro driver that they screw over for merchandising rights.

I am like 4 chapters in and I hope they brought the Bowling game back…eventhough that was in Motorsport…I miss the old British cast , though…they would have been perfect for this game…being that it is set in Great Britain!

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It was a great story as almost always.


The difficulty was quite challenging; loved it. The routes that were delivered were meant to be ignored. We had to think like the Stig and, of course, drive like the Stig.

The dialogue was entertaining and I would hope Playground Games continues to employ that feature in the rest of their stories.

I couldn’t stop playing it. Although I was able to complete the Top Gear story in one sitting, I’m going to play it again to try to beat my rival friends.

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Best story ever! I loved it!


I was a big fan of Top Gear until Clarkson and crew left, but I still very much enjoyed this addition.

The tasks were easy for me for the most part. The ‘get the Mercedes station wagon to the top of the hill and then down again’ proved to be a bit more challenging than the rest of them.

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This is where I stopped playing it. I thought I was taking a nice shortcut and ended up crashing into a low wall that seemed never-ending to get away from and get back on track. It was at this point where I said to myself “On what planet is this fun?” I just have to accept that I hate this game and every little thing I find stupid is gonna anger me more. Never should have reinstalled it.

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The wall is annoying, I just headed more left, and there is an opening onto the traffic island. Walls that break, and walls that don’t break doesn’t have much logic in real life where thing are either strong, or they aren’t strong. This game alters physics to be illogical. I had 7 * 60,000 skills hit a breakable wall, and I was OK my skills were still there, hit a bus stop which easily broke, but ended my skill chain… I don’t understand???

I had trouble keeping it on that dirt road, and ended up doing too much off-roading in that bloody spinning Lotus on the 180 route. Turning on TCS might be something to consider as well whenever I get back to it. :wink: